

This module measures public views regarding democracy as a system of government. This includes  questions about satisfaction with the way democracy is working, preferences for democracy over dictatorships, and the overall feasibility of democratic governance.

Harmonized Variables

dem_1a | Satisfaction with Democracy

Harmonized variable that combines values from other satisfaction with democracy variables.  Midpoint values on scales recoded as missing.  Target variable approximates percentage that are satisfied versus dissatisfied. 0 = dissatisfied, 1 = satisfied

dem_1b | Satisfaction with Democracy

Harmonized variable that combines values from other satisfaction with democracy variables.  Combines all variables with four or more responses. 0 = very dissatisfied, 1 = dissatisfied, 2 = satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_3a | Democracy versus Dictatorship

Harmonized variable that combines values from other democracy versus dictatorship variables.  Scale midpoints and answers of indifference or uncertainty are combined with non-democratic category. 0 = non-democratic, 1 = democratic

dem_3b | Democracy versus Dictatorship

Harmonized variable that combines values from other democracy versus dictatorship variables.  Combines all variables with three or more responses. 1 = non-democratic, 2 = indifferent, 3 = democratic

dem_7a | Feasibility of Democracy

Harmonized variable combining values into democracy being either feasible or not feasible for the country.  Midpoints omitted if do not clearly either option. 0 = not feasible, 1 = feasible

Satisfaction with Democracy

dem_102a | Satisfaction with Democracy

What would you say about democracy in [Country] in general? i.e., about our whole political system.  Are you… 0 = rather dissatisfied, 1 = rather satisfied

dem_102b | Satisfaction with Democracy

What would you say about democracy in [Country] in general?  Are you… 0 = rather dissatisfied, 1 = rather satisfied

dem_102c | Satisfaction with Democracy

Are you familiar with the way democracy is developing in [Country]?  All things considered, are you … 0 = rather dissatisfied, 1 = rather satisfied

dem_103a | Satisfaction with Democracy

In general, to what extent are you satisfied with democracy in [Country]? 0 = I’m not satisfied at all, 1 = I’m partially dissatisfied, 2 = I’m satisfied

dem_104a | Satisfaction with Democracy

In general, would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, unsatisfied, or very unsatisfied with the way democracy works in [Country]? (Alternative: Generally speaking, to what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way [Nationality] democracy functions? 0 = very dissatisfied, 1 = dissatisfied, 2 = satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_104b | Satisfaction with Democracy

On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in [Country]?  (Alternative: Overall, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in [Country]?  On the whole, are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in our country?  On the whole, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way democracy works in [Country].  Are you …?). 0 = not at all satisfied, 1 = not very satisfied, 2 = fairly satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_104c | Satisfaction with Democracy

Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with the following statement.  Is that strongly or slightly?  In general, I am satisfied with democracy. 0 = disagree strongly, 1 = disagree slightly, 2 = agree slightly, 3 = agree strongly

dem_104e | Satisfaction with Democracy

On the whole, are you satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in [Country]? 0 = not at all satisfied, 1 = not very satisfied, 2 = fairly satisfied, 3 = satisfied

dem_104f | Satisfaction with Democracy

How satisfied are you with the following?  The way democracy is developing in our country. 0 = definitely dissatisfied, 1 = rather dissatisfied, 2 = quite satisfied, 3 = definitely satisfied

dem_104h | Satisfaction with Democracy

Some people are for the present government of your country.  Others are against it.  Putting aside whether you are for or against the present government, on the whole are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied, or not at all satisfied with the way democracy works in your country? 0 = not at all satisfied, 1 = not very satisfied, 2 = fairly satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_104i | Satisfaction with Democracy

In general, to what extent are you satisfied with [Country’s] democracy?  (Alternative: To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with democracy in [Country]?). 0 = not satisfied at all, 1 = not so satisfied, 2 = quite satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_104j | Satisfaction with Democracy

What would you say about democracy in [County]?  For example, regarding our political parties and whole political system?  Are you… 0 = very dissatisfied, 1 = dissatisfied, 2 = satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_104l | Satisfaction with Democracy

How satisfied are you with the way democracy is working in our country–very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not too satisfied, or not at all satisfied? 0 = not at all satisfied, 1 = not too satisfied, 2 = somewhat satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_104m | Satisfaction with Democracy

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way democracy works in [Country]? 0 = very dissatisfied, 1 = somewhat dissatisfied, 2 = somewhat satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_104n | Satisfaction with Democracy

On the whole, are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, not very satisfied or not at all satisfied with the way democracy is developing in [Country]? 0 = not at all satisfied, 1 = not very satisfied, 2 = fairly satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_104o | Satisfaction with Democracy

How satisfied are you with the way democracy works in [your Country]?  0 = not at all satisfied, 1 = somewhat not satisfied, 2 = somewhat satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_104p | Satisfaction with Democracy

Now, I will ask you a few questions about the satisfaction with your current situation. If you take all circumstances into account, to what extent are you overall satisfied with how democracy works in [your country]? 0 = very dissatisfied, 1 = rather dissatisfied, 2 = rather satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_104q | Satisfaction with Democracy

To what extent are you satisfied with the level of democracy in [Country]? 0 = totally unsatisfied, 1 = more unsatisfied than satisfied, 2 = more satisfied than unsatisfied, 3 = totally satisfied

dem_104r | Satisfaction with Democracy

How satisfied are you with the following: The way democracy is developing in our country? 0 = definitely dissatisfied, 1 = rather dissatisfied, 2 = quite satisfied, 3 = definitely satisfied

dem_104s | Satisfaction with Democracy

How much are you satisfied with the level of democracy in [Country] today? 0 = very dissatisfied, 1 = mostly dissatisfied, 2 = mostly satisfied, 3 = very satisfied

dem_105a | Satisfaction with Democracy

Overall, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in [Country]? 0 = [Country] is not a democracy, 1 = not at all satisfied, 2 = not very satisfied, 3 = fairly satisfied, 4 = very satisfied

dem_105b | Satisfaction with Democracy

Pease tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the following aspects of your life.  The democratic system. 0 = very dissatisfied, 1 = somewhat dissatisfied, 2 = neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 3 = somewhat satisfied, 4 = very satisfied

dem_105c | Satisfaction with Democracy

On the whole, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in [Country]? 0 = not at all satisfied, 1 = not very satisfied, 2 = neither, 3 = fairly satisfied, 4 = very satisfied

dem_105d | Satisfaction with Democracy

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way democracy is working in [Country]? (Alternative: Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way democracy works in [Country]?) 0 = very dissatisfied, 1 = dissatisfied, 2 = neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 3 = satisfied, 4 = very satisfied

dem_105e | Satisfaction with Democracy

Generally, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in [Country]? 0 = [Country] is not a democracy, 1 = very dissatisfied, 2 = somewhat dissatisfied, 3 = somewhat satisfied, 4 = very satisfied

dem_105f | Satisfaction with Democracy

In general, to what extent are you satisfied with democracy in [Country]? 0 = very dissatisfied, 1 = mostly dissatisfied, 2 = neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 3 = mostly satisfied, 4 = very satisfied

dem_107a | Satisfaction with Democracy

Now I would like to ask you about democracy in [Country].  Taking everything into consideration, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the kind of democracy that exists in [Country]? 0 = there is no democracy in [Country], 1 = very unsatisfied, 2 = unsatisfied, 3 = rather unsatisfied, 4 = rather satisfied, 5 = satisfied, 6 = very satisfied

dem_110a | Satisfaction with Democracy

Are you completely satisfied or completely dissatisfied with the way in which democracy is working in [Country] today? 0 = completely dissatisfied, 9 = completely satisfied

dem_110b | Satisfaction with Democracy

On the whole, to what extent would you say you are satisfied with the way democracy works in [Country]? 0 = completely dissatisfied, 9 = completely satisfied

dem_110c | Satisfaction with Democracy

On the whole, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in [Country]?  Please tell me on a scale of 0 to 9, where 0 means very dissatisfied and 9 means very satisfied. 0 = very dissatisfied, 9 = very satisfied

dem_110d | Satisfaction with Political System

On a scale from 0 to 9 where “0” is “not satisfied at all” and “9” is “completely satisfied”, how satisfied are you with how the political system is functioning in your country these days? 0 = not satisfied at all, 9 = completely satisfied

dem_111a | Satisfaction with Democracy

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means extremely dissatisfied and 10 means extremely satisfied, on the whole, how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in [Country]? 0 = extremely dissatisfied, 10 = extremely satisfied

dem_111b | Functioning of Democracy

On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well: How well does democracy work in [Country] today? 0 = very poorly, 10 = very well

dem_111c | Satisfaction with Democracy

Now I would like you to indicate on this scale to what extent you are satisfied with your present situation in the following respects: The way democracy is functioning in [Country]?  (Alternative: I would like to know how satisfied you are with the functioning of democracy in [Country].  Use a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you are completely unsatisfied and 10 means you are completely satisfied.)  0 = completely dissatisfied, 10 = completely satisfied

Democracy Versus Dictatorship

dem_302a | Democracy versus Dictatorship

Some people prefer to live under a democracy because it protects human and individual rights, even though it can be inefficient and messy at times.  Others prefer to live under a dictatorship because of its order and efficiency.  What do you prefer more a democracy or a dictatorship? 1 = dictatorship; 2 = democracy

dem_303a | Democracy versus Dictatorship

Which of these three statements is closest to your own opinion?  (Alternative: Which of these statements is closest to your view?  Alternative middle answer: For someone like me, it doesn’t matter what kind of government we have.)  1 = in some circumstances, a non-democratic government can be preferable; 2 = for people like me, it doesn’t matter what kind of government we have; 3 = democracy is preferable to any other kind of government

dem_303d | Democracy versus Dictatorship

Now we are going to ask about different types of political regimes.  I would like you to tell me with which of the following statements you agree. 1 = in some cases and authoritarian regime, a dictatorship, can be preferable, 2 = for people like me it is all the same, 3 = democracy is preferable to any other regime

dem_303e | Democracy versus Dictatorship

Which of the following statements comes closest to your own opinion? (Alternative: Which of the following statements do you agree with most?) 1 = under some circumstances, an authoritarian government can be preferable to a democratic one; 2 = for people like me, it does not matter whether we have a democratic or a nondemocratic regime; 3 = democracy is always preferable to any other kind of government

Feasibility of Democracy

dem_702a | Democracy Impossible

Democracy will never be consolidated in [Country]. 1 = agree, 2 = disagree

dem_702b | Democracy Difficult

Democracy in [Country] will be consolidated in a difficult process. 1 = agree, 2 = disagree

dem_702c | Feasibility of Democracy

Some people in [Country] feel that democracy is a Western way of doing things that would not work here.  Others think that democracy is not just for the West and can work well here.  Which comes closer to your opinion? 1 = Western way of doing things, 2 = can work here

dem_702d | Feasibility of Democracy

Some people in [Country] feel that democracy is a Western way of doing things that would not work in most Muslim countries.  Others think that democracy is not just for the West and can work well here.  Which comes closer to your opinion? 1 = Western way of doing things, 2 = can work here

dem_704a | Citizens Not Prepared for Democracy

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?  [Country]’s citizens are not prepared for a democratic system.  (Alternative: The citizens in your country are not prepared for a democratic system). 1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = disagree, 4 = strongly disagree

dem_704b | Suitability of Democracy

Where would you place your opinion about the degree to which democracy is suitable for [Country]. 1 = not at all suitable, 2 = not suitable, 3 = suitable, 4 = very suitable

dem_704c | Suitable for Western Democracy

Western democracy is the best political system for country. 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

dem_705a | Citizens Not Prepared for Democracy

[Country]’s citizens are not prepared for a democratic system. 1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = disagree, 5 = strongly disagree

dem_705b | Country Not Ready for Democracy

[Country] is not yet ready for democracy. 1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = disagree, 5 = strongly disagree

dem_705c | Citizens Not Prepared for Democracy

Democracy is a Western form of government that is not compatible with Islam. 1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = neither, 4 = disagree, 5 = strongly disagree

dem_705d | Democracy Suitable

Tell us please, do you think that democracy, in which multiple parties compete for power through free elections, is the best system for governing [Country]? 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree

dem_710a | Suitability of Democracy

Here is a similar scale of 1 to 10 measuring the extent to which people think democracy is suitable for [Country].  If 1 means that democracy is completely unsuitable for [Country] and 10 means that it is completely suitable, where would you place your opinion about the degree to which democracy is suitable for [Country]? 1 = completely unsuitable, 10 = completely suitable

dem_710b | Suitability of Democracy

Here is a similar scale of 1 to 10 measuring the extent to which people think democracy is suitable for our country.  If 1 means that democracy is completely unsuitable for [Country] today and 10 means that it is completely/ perfectly suitable, where would you place our country today?  (Note: Same as dem_710a but allows for decimals). 1 = completely unsuitable, 10 = completely suitable

dem_710c | Suitability of Democracy

Suppose there was a scale from 1–10 measuring the extent to which democracy is suitable for your country, with 1 meaning that democracy is absolutely inappropriate for your country and 10 meaning that democracy is completely appropriate for your country.  To what extent do you think democracy is appropriate for your country? 1 = absolutely inappropriate, 10 = completely appropriate

dem_711a| Suitability of Democracy

Suppose there was a scale from 0–10 measuring the extent to which democracy is suitable for your country, with 0 meaning that democracy is completely/ absolutely inappropriate for your country and 10 meaning that democracy is completely appropriate for your country.  To what extent do you think democracy is appropriate for your country (recoded)? 1 = completely inappropriate, 11 = completely appropriate