Electoral Integrity


Electoral integrity refers to the perceived freeness, fairness, or cleanliness of elections and public trust or confidence in elections and related processes. Questions measuring trust in electoral management bodies are part of the institutional trust module while self-reported voting is measured in the electoral participation module.

Harmonized Variables

pei_1a | Integrity of National Elections

Indicates whether respondents view elections as fair and honest or unfair and dishonest.  Midpoints omitted if the values do not clearly affirm either option. 0 = unfair/ dishonest, 1 = fair/ honest

Integrity of National Elections

pei_102a | Clean Elections

Speaking generally, do you think that the elections in this country are clean or rigged? 0 = rigged, 1 = clean

pei_102b | Free and Fair Elections

Do you feel that elections in this country are free and fair? 0 = no, 1 = yes

pei_102c | Next Parliamentary Elections Fair

Do you think the next parliamentary election in our country will be conducted fairly or unfairly? 0 = unfairly, 1 = fairly

pei_102d | Presidential Elections Fair

Do you think the [date] presidential elections were fair, or don’t you think so? 0 = unfair, 1 = fair

pei_102f | Parliamentary Elections Free and Fair

Let’s focus on the most recent parliamentary election.  When people talk about elections, they often describe them as free and fair.  By free they generally mean that all people had the chance to vote as they wished.  By fair they generally mean that all candidates/ parties followed the rules and were given equal access to the public and votes were counted correctly and not manipulated.  Thinking about what is meant by free and fair: Do you think the past parliamentary election was free and fair? 0 = not be free and fair, 1 = free and fair

pei_102g | Free and Fair Elections

When people talk about elections, they often describe them as free and fair.  By free they generally mean that all people have the chance to vote as they wish.  By fair they generally mean that all candidates/ parties follow the rules, are given equal access to the public and votes were counted correctly and not manipulated.  Thinking about what is meant by free and fair: In general, do you think elections in [Country] are free and fair, or not? 0 = not free and fair, 1 = yes, free and fair

pei_102h | Presidential Election Free and Fair

Thinking about what is meant by free and fair, do you think the past presidential election was free and fair? 0 = was not free and fair, 1 = was free and fair

pei_102i | Parliamentary Election Free and Fair

Let’s focus on the most recent parliamentary election.  When people talk about elections, they often describe them as free and fair. By free they generally mean that all people had the chance to vote as they wished.  By fair they generally mean that all candidates/ parties followed the rules and were given equal access to the public and votes were counted correctly and not manipulated.  Thinking about what is meant by free and fair: Do you think the past parliamentary election was free and fair? 0 = no, 1 = yes

pei_102j | Next Parliamentary Election Free and Fair

Looking ahead do you think the next parliamentary election will be free and fair? 0 = no, 1 = yes

pei_103a | Elections Conducted Fairly

Thinking of the way the elections are conducted in [Country], what do you feel, are elections fair, somewhat fair or unfair? 0 = unfair, 1 = somewhat fair, 2 = fair

pei_103b | Free and Fair Election

Would you say that the most recent [election type] election was conducted freely and fairly? 0 = not at all fairly, 1 = to some extent fairly, 2 = completely fairly

pei_103c | Free and Fair Election

On the whole, how would you rate the freeness and fairness of the last national election, held in [year]? 0 = free and fair, with major problems, 1 = free and fair, but with minor problems, 2 = completely free and fair

pei_103d | Free and Fair Election

In general, how would you evaluate the last parliamentary elections?  (Interviewer: If asked, the last parliamentary election held on [date].  Was it… 0 = not free and fair, 1 = free and fair, with major problems, 2 = free and fair

pei_104a | Free and Fair Election

On the whole, how would you rate the freeness and fairness of the last national election, held in [year]? 0 = not free and fair, 1 = free and fair, with major problems, 2 = free and fair, but with minor problems, 3 = completely free and fair

pei_104a3 | Free and Fair Election

How free and fair do you expect the next general elections to be? Will they be: 0 = not free and fair, 1 = free and fair, with major problems, 2 = free and fair, but with minor problems, 3 = completely free and fair

pei_104b | Clean Elections

Do you believe that, generally speaking, elections are very clean, clean, fraudulent or very fraudulent? 0 = very fraudulent, 1 = fraudulent, 2 = clean, 3 = very clean

pei_104c | Election Conducted Fairly

Would you say that the most recent national election was conducted fairly or not?  (Alternative: Would you say that the most recent election of parliament was conducted fairly or not?) 0 = not at all fair, 1 = not very fair, 2 = to some extent fair, 3 = it was a fair election

pei_104d | Confidence in Elections

I am going to name a number of organizations. For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them: is it a great deal of confidence, quite a lot of confidence, not very much confidence or none at all?  Elections. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

pei_104e | Honest Elections

Does (INSERT) describe our country very well, somewhat well, not too well or not well at all: Honest elections are held regularly with a choice of at least two political parties. 0 = not well at all, 1 = not too well, 2 = somewhat well, 3 = very well

pei_104f | Next Elections Free and Fair

How likely is it that the next elections will be free and fair, with a choice of at least two parties? 0 = not at all likely, 1 = not too likely, 2 = somewhat likely, 3 = very likely

pei_104g | Future Elections Free and Fair

In the past, elections were managed jointly by international donors and the [National] Government, but future elections will be managed entirely by the [National] Government.  How confident are you that the [National] Government on its own will be able to conduct free and fair elections? 0 = not confident at all, 1 = somewhat not confident, 2 = somewhat confident, 3 = very confident

pei_104h | Free and Fair Elections

To what extent, do you think that the following elements apply in [Country]?  Free and fair elections. 0 = no, definitely not, 1 = no not really, 2 = yes, somewhat, 3 = yes, definitely

pei_104k | Election Conducted Honestly

In your opinion, were the [date] elections generally honest, or did some candidates have an unfair advantage? 0 = very dishonest, 1 = somewhat dishonest, 2 = quite honest, 3 = very honest

pei_104l | Presidential Election Conducted Honestly

In your opinion, how honest or dishonest were the Presidential elections of [date]? 0 = very dishonest, 1 = somewhat dishonest, 2 = quite honest, 3 = very honest

pei_104m | Presidential Election Conducted Honestly

In your opinion, were the following elections conducted honestly or dishonestly?  The Presidential elections of [date]. 0 = very dishonestly, 1 = somewhat dishonestly, 2 = quite honestly, 3 = very honestly

pei_104o1 | Presidential Election Conducted Honestly

In your opinion, was the second round for the election of the president of [Country], which took place on [date], honest or not? 0 = not at all honest, 1 = not very honest, 2 = to some extent honest, 3 = it was an honest election

pei_104o2 | Presidential Election Conducted Honestly

And the re-vote that took place on [date]? 0 = not at all honest, 1 = not very honest, 2 = to some extent honest, 3 = it was an honest election

pei_105a | Clean Elections

In some countries people think that elections are clean; in other countries people think that elections are rigged. Thinking of the last elections, where would you place them in a five-step ladder, where 1 is clean and 5 is rigged? Recoded: 0 = rigged, 4 = clean

pei_105c | Election Conducted Fairly

In some countries, people believe their elections are conducted fairly.  In other countries, people believe that their elections are conducted unfairly.  Thinking of the last election in [Country], where would you place it on this scale of one to five where five means that the last election was conducted fairly, and one means that the last election was conducted unfairly? (Recoded): 0 = last election was conducted unfairly, 1, 2, 3, 4 = last election was conducted fairly

pei_105d | Election Conducted Fairly

In general, do you think that [General/ Federal] elections in [Country] are conducted fairly? 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = somewhat disagree, 2 = neither agree nor disagree, 3 = somewhat agree, 4 = strongly agree

pei_105f | Free and Fair Elections

To what extent do you agree that the following exist in our country: Free and fair elections? 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = somewhat disagree, 2 = neither agree nor disagree, 3 = somewhat agree, 4 = strongly agree

pei_105g | Election Conducted Fairly

In some countries, people believe their elections are conducted fairly.  In other countries, people believe that their elections are conducted unfairly.  Thinking of the last election in [Country], where would you place it on a scale of 0 to 4, where zero means that the last election was conducted unfairly and four means the last election was conducted fairly? 0 = conducted unfairly, 1, 2, 3, 4 = conducted fairly

pei_107a | Trust Elections

To what extent do you trust elections in this country? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

pei_111a | Free and Fair Elections

Please tell me to what extent you think each of the following statements applies in [Country].  National elections in [Country] are free and fair. 0 = does not apply, 10 = applies completely

Integrity of Local Elections

pei_202e | Future Local Elections Free and Fair

Do you think the local elections will be free and fair or do you think they will not be free and fair? 0 = will not be free and fair, 1 = will be free and fair

Integrity of State Elections

pei_304n | State Election Conducted Honestly

In your opinion, were the following elections conducted honestly or dishonestly?  The state government elections of [Month Year]. 0 = very dishonestly, 1 = somewhat dishonestly, 2 = quite honestly, 3 = very honestly

Fair Election Campaigning

pei_405b | Fair Election Campaigning

Thinking of the last national election in [Country], how fair was it regarding the opportunities of the candidates and parties to campaign? 0 = very unfair, 1 = somewhat unfair, 2 = neither fair nor unfair, 3 = somewhat fair, 4 = very fair

pei_405h | Fair Campaigning Opportunities

Thinking of the last [General/ Federal/ National] election in [Country], how fair was it regarding the opportunities of the candidates and parties to campaign? 0 = very unfair, 1 = somewhat unfair, 2 = neither fair nor unfair, 3 = somewhat fair, 4 = very fair

Votes Counted Fairly

pei_504i | Votes Counted Fairly

In your view, how often do the following things occur in [Country] elections?  Votes are counted fairly. 0 = not at all often, 1 = not often, 2 = fairly often, 3 = very often

pei_505i | Votes Counted Fairly

When thinking about the last general election in [Country], do you agree or disagree with the following statements?  Votes were counted fairly. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = somewhat disagree, 2 = neither agree nor disagree, 3 = somewhat agree, 4 = strongly agree

pei_505j | Votes Counted Fairly

In your view, how often do the following things occur in this country’s elections: Votes are counted fairly? 0 = never, 1 = some of the time, 2 = about half of the time, 3 = most of the time, 4 = all of the time

pei_505k | Honest Election Count and Reporting

Thinking of the last [General/ Federal/ National] election in [Country], how honest was it regarding the counting and reporting of the votes? 0 = very dishonest, 1 = somewhat dishonest, 2 = neither honest nor dishonest, 3 = somewhat honest, 4 = very honest

Elections Offer Real Choice

pei_604d | Elections Offer Real Choice

Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements: Elections offer the voters a real option to choose between parties and candidates? 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = agree, 3 = strongly agree

Electoral Integrity: Other

pei_936t | Electoral Integrity Score

In your view, how often do the following things occur in this country’s elections?  Votes are counted fairly; opposition candidates are prevented from running; TV news favours the governing party; voters are bribed; journalists provide fair coverage of elections; election officials are fair; rich people buy elections; voters are threatened with violence at the polls; voters are offered a genuine choice in the elections. Original answers: 1 = very often, 2 = fairly often, 3 = not often, 4 = not at all often. All nine questions were recoded from 0 to 3 such that higher values consistently represented higher electoral integrity.  (Answers to all items are averaged to produce a scale ranging from 0 to 3). 0 = lowest electoral integrity, 3 = highest electoral integrity.