Electoral Participation


The questions in this module measure whether or not respondents vote in elections. It includes series that distinguish between different levels of government and types of elections. Related modules include series asking about self-reported voting, electoral integrity, trust in electoral management bodies, the most important election issue for respondents, and the political party that respondents support.

Harmonized Variables

ep_1a | Participation in Elections

Harmonised variable indicating whether or not respondent participates in elections, without specifying the election type.  Constructed by combining values from other variables in this series. 0 = non-voter, 1 = voter

ep_3a | Participation in Local Elections

Harmonised variable indicating whether or not respondent participates in local elections.  Constructed by combining values from other variables in this series. 0 = non-voter, 1 = voter

ep_4a | Participation in National Elections

Harmonised variable indicating whether or not respondent participates in national or general elections.  Constructed by combining values from other variables in this series. 0 = non-voter, 1 = voter

ep_5a | Participation in Lower House Elections

Harmonised variable indicating whether or not respondent participates in lower house elections.  Constructed by combining values from other variables in this series. 0 = non-voter, 1 = voter

ep_6a | Participation in Upper House Elections

Harmonised variable indicating whether or not respondent participates in upper house elections.  Constructed by combining values from other variables in this series. 0 = non-voter, 1 = voter

ep_7a | Participation in Presidential Elections

Harmonised variable indicating whether or not respondent participates in presidential elections.  Constructed by combining values from other variables in this series. 0 = non-voter, 1 = voter

ep_8a | Participation in Supranational Elections

Harmonised variable indicating whether or not respondent participates in supranational elections.  Constructed by combining values from other variables in this series. 0 = non-voter, 1 = voter

Participation in Elections

ep_104c | Cast Ballot in Elections

Whether or not respondent cast a ballot (regardless of whether the ballot was valid). 1 = respondent cast a ballot, 2 = respondent did not cast a ballot, 3 = inconsistent response: voted but no vote choice, 4 = inconsistent response: did not vote but vote choice indicated

ep_106b | Voted in Elections

Did you vote in the last election? 1 = I voted in last election, 2 = I decided not to vote, 3 = was stopped from voting in the last election, 4 = didn´t have time to vote, 5 = didn´t vote for other reasons, 6 = wasn´t registered to vote

Participation in Local Elections

ep_302a | Voted in Municipal Elections

Did you vote in the last municipal elections that were held on [date]? 1 = yes, 2 = no

ep_303a | Voted in Municipal Elections

Did you vote in the last municipal elections? 1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = did not have the right to vote

ep_304b | Voting Frequency in Local Elections

When elections take place, do you vote always, usually or never?  Please tell me separately for each of the following levels.  Local level. 1 = always, 2 = usually, 3 = never, 4 = not allowed to vote

ep_306a | Voting Frequency in Local Elections

How often do you vote in each of the following elections?  Local elections. 1 = every time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = sometimes, 4 = rarely, 5 = never voted, 6 = don’t have the right to vote

Participation in National Elections

ep_402a | Voted in National Elections

In talking to people about elections, we often find that a lot of people were not able to vote because they were away from home, they were sick or they just didn’t have time. How about you?  Did you vote in the election [the most recent national election, parliamentary or presidential] held in [year]?  (Alternative: Did you vote in the last parliamentary elections that were held on [date]?  Did you vote or did you not vote in the last general elections of [year]?) 1 = yes, 2 = no

ep_402u | Would Vote in General Election

If there was a general election tomorrow, can you tell me if you would vote? 1 = yes I would vote, 2 = no I would not vote

ep_402v | Will Vote in Upcoming Elections

Will you participate in the upcoming elections of the [National Parliament] on [date]? 1 = yes, 2 = no

ep_403a | Voted in National Elections

Some people don’t vote nowadays for one reason or another.  Did you vote in the last [Country] national election in [month/ year]? (Alternative: Did you vote in the last parliamentary elections?  Did respondent vote in last general election?) 1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = not eligible to vote

ep_403c | Cast Ballot in Elections

Whether or not respondent cast a ballot (regardless of whether the ballot was valid). 1 = respondent cast a ballot, 2 = respondent did not cast a ballot, 3 = inconsistent response

ep_403f | Voted in Parliamentary Elections

Did you vote in the [year] parliamentary elections? 1 = yes, 2 = did not vote, 3 = not eligible / under eighteen years old

ep_404b | Voting Frequency in National Elections

When elections take place, do you vote always, usually or never?  Please tell me separately for each of the following levels.  National level. 1 = always, 2 = usually, 3 = never, 4 = not allowed to vote

ep_406a | Voting Frequency in National Elections

How often do you vote in each of the following elections?  National elections. 1 = every time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = sometimes, 4 = rarely, 5 = never voted, 6 = don’t have the right to vote

Participation in Lower House Elections

ep_503d | Cast Ballot in Lower House Elections

This item ascertains whether or not the respondent cast a ballot, regardless of whether or not it was valid, in the previous lower house election. 1 = respondent cast a ballot, 2 = respondent did not cast a ballot, 3 = not eligible to vote in last election or not registered on electoral lists

Participation in Upper House Elections

ep_603e | Cast Ballot in Upper House Elections

This item ascertains whether or not the respondent cast a ballot, regardless of whether or not it was valid, in the previous upper house election. 1 = respondent cast a ballot, 2 = respondent did not cast a ballot, 3 = not eligible to vote in last election or not registered on electoral lists

Participation in Presidential Elections

ep_702a | Voted in Presidential Elections

Do you vote in the last presidential elections of [year]? 1 = yes voted, 2 = did not vote

ep_702a1| Voted in Presidential Elections, First Round

Did you vote in the first round of the last presidential elections? 1 = yes voted, 2 = did not vote

ep_703a | Voted in Presidential Elections

Did you vote in the last presidential elections? 1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = did not have the right to vote

ep_703b | Cast Ballot in Presidential Elections, First Round

This item ascertains whether or not the respondent cast a ballot, regardless of whether or not it was valid, in the first round of previous presidential election. 1 = respondent cast a ballot, 2 = respondent did not cast a ballot, 3 = not eligible to vote in last election or not registered on electoral lists

ep_703c | Cast Ballot in Presidential Elections, Second Round

This item ascertains whether or not the respondent cast a ballot, regardless of whether or not it was valid, in the second round of previous presidential election. 1 = respondent cast a ballot, 2 = respondent did not cast a ballot, 3 = not eligible to vote in last election or not registered on electoral lists

ep_703e | Voted in Presidential Elections

Did you vote in the [year] presidential elections? 1 = yes, 2 = did not vote, 3 = not eligible / under eighteen years old

ep_704a | Voted in Presidential Elections

Did you vote in the last presidential elections? 1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = did not have the right to vote, 4 = wasn´t registered to vote

ep_704f | Voted in Presidential Elections

Did you vote in the [year] presidential elections? 1 = yes, 2 = registered but did not vote, 3 = not registered to vote, 4 = not old enough to vote

ep_706b | Voted in Presidential Elections

In the last presidential election what did you do? 1 = I voted in last election, 2 = I decided not to vote, 3 = was stopped from voting in the last election, 4 = didn´t have time to vote, 5 = didn´t vote for other reasons, 6 = wasn´t registered to vote

Participation in Supranational Elections

ep_804b | Voting Frequency in European Elections

When elections take place, do you vote always, usually or never?  Please tell me separately for each of the following levels.  European level. 1 = always, 2 = usually, 3 = never, 4 = not allowed to vote