

We have included the country for every round from every survey source across the entire scripting framework. This is a core variable that we include whenever adding a new source or round. We would like to include subnational locations in this module, so please contact us if you have a project that needs them.


Harmonized Variables

id_200cow | Country Code (COW)

Three-digit numerical codes representing countries.  Values come only from the Correlates of War (COW) numeric standard.  Some countries are missing values in this series. three-digit COW country codes

id_200iso | Country Alpha3 Code (ISO 3166)

Three-digit numerical codes representing countries.  Values come only from the International Standards Organization (ISO) 3166-1 numeric standard.  Some countries are missing values in this series. three-digit ISO country codes

id_200vd | Country Code (V-Dem)

Three-digit numerical codes representing countries.  Values come only from the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) country codes.  Some countries are missing values in this series. three-digit V-Dem country codes

id_200s | Country Splits

Three-digit numerical codes representing contested countries, countries that are part of other countries, or countries that used to be separate and are recorded as such in original sources.  Most values come from the International Standards Organization (ISO) 3166-1 numeric standard, supplemented using the Correlates of War (COW) numeric standard.  If missing from both these sources, values are unique alternative numeric codes. three-digit country codes

id_201 | Country Name

Country names slightly modified from the English short names in the ISO 3166-1 standard. country names in text

id_202iso | Country Alpha2 (ISO 3166)

Country names slightly modified from the English short names in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. two-character country codes

id_203 | Country Alpha3

Three-letter alphabetic codes representing countries.  Most values come from the International Standards Organization (ISO) 3166-1 alpha-3 standard, supplemented using the Correlates of War (COW) alpha-3 standard.  If missing from both these sources, values are unique alternative three-letter alphabetic codes. three-character country codes

id_203cow | Country Alpha3 (COW)

Three-letter alphabetic codes to represent countries.  Values come only from the Correlates of War (COW) alpha-3 standard.  Some countries are missing values in this series. three-character COW country codes

id_203iso | Country Alpha3 (ISO 3166)

Three-letter alphabetic codes to represent countries.  Values come only from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 standard.  Some countries are missing values in this series. three-character ISO country codes

id_203wb | Country Alpha3 (WB)

Three-letter alphabetic codes to represent countries.  Values come from the World Bank (WB) country codes but are missing values for countries that do not have World Bank codes. three-character WB country codes

id_210un | Continent (UN)

One-digit numerical values representing continental divisions. Based on continents of the United Nations geographic regions but does not use the values from the related M49 standard.  1 = Africa, 2 = Americas, 3 = Antarctica, 4 = Asia, 5 = Europe, 6 = Oceania

id_220un | Region (UN)

Two-digit numerical values representing sub-continental but supranational regional divisions. Based on regions of the United Nations geographic regions but does not use the values from the related M49 standard. 11 = Northern Africa, 12 = Sub-Saharan Africa, 21 = Latin America and the Caribbean, 22 = Northern America, 31 = Antarctica, 41 = Central Asia, 42 = Eastern Asia, 43 = South-Eastern Asia, 44 = Southern Asia, 45 = Western Asia, 51 = Eastern Europe, 52 = Northern Europe, 53 = Southern Europe, 54 = Western Europe, 61 = Australia and New Zealand, 62 = Melanesia, 63 = Micronesia, 64 = Polynesia

id_230un | Sub-Region (UN)

Three-digit numerical values representing sub-regions of regions for greater granularity in some areas of the world. Based on sub-regions of the United Nations geographic regions but does not use the values from the related M49 standard. 111 = Northern Africa, 112 = Middle Africa, 113 = Southern Africa, 114 = Western Africa, 121 = Eastern Africa, 211 = Caribbean, 212 = Central America, 213 = South America, 221 = Northern America, 311 = Antarctica, 411 = Central Asia, 421 = Eastern Asia, 431 = South-Eastern Asia, 441 = Southern Asia, 451 = Western Asia, 511 = Eastern Europe, 521 = Northern Europe, 522 = Channel Islands, 531 = Southern Europe, 541 = Western Europe, 611 = Australia and New Zealand, 621 = Melanesia, 631 = Micronesia, 641 = Polynesia


id_200 | Country Code

Three-digit numerical codes representing countries.  Most values come from the International Standards Organization (ISO) 3166-1 numeric standard, supplemented using the Correlates of War (COW) numeric standard.  If missing from both these sources, values are unique alternative numeric codes. three-digit country codes