Trust in Institutions

Harmonized Variables

Values come from the source variables within each sub-series. Original values are dichotomized to indicate either distrust or trust, with neutral and midpoints omitted to improve consistency and comparability. 0 = distrust, 1 = trust. A full list of source variables are listed in the relevant content sections on this page.

tr_au1a | Trust in African Union

tr_ac1a | Trust in Andean Community

tr_apec1a | Trust in APEC Forum

tr_al1a | Trust in Arab League

tr_asean1a | Trust in ASEAN

tr_bank1a | Trust in Banks

tr_bank2a | Trust in Bank Personnel

tr_char1a | Trust in Charities

tr_civil1a | Trust in Civil Service

tr_civil2a | Trust in Civil Servants

tr_com1a | Trust in Companies

tr_com2a | Trust in Large Companies

tr_com3a | Trust in Private Companies

tr_com4a | Trust in State Companies

tr_com5a | Trust in Private Companies

tr_com6a | Trust in Multinational Companies

tr_com7a | Trust in Businesspeople

tr_com8a | Trust in Industry

tr_couneu1a | Trust in Council of the EU

tr_edu1a | Trust in Education System

tr_edu2a | Trust in Schools

tr_edu3a | Trust in Teachers

tr_edu5a | Trust in Universities

tr_edu6a | Trust in Researchers

tr_emb1a | Trust in Electoral Management Body

tr_emb2a | Trust in EMB Officials

tr_eu1a | Trust in European Union

tr_ep1a | Trust in European Parliament

tr_eucom1a | Trust in European Commission

tr_ecb1a | Trust in European Central Bank

tr_eucoun1a | Trust in European Council

tr_exec1a | Trust in Executive

tr_exec2a | Trust in President

tr_exec3a | Trust in Prime Minister

tr_exec4a | Trust in Cabinet

tr_exec5a | Trust in State Executive

tr_gov1a | Trust in Government

tr_gov3a | Trust in Local Government

tr_gov4a | Trust in Local Government Officials

tr_gov5a | Trust in State Government

tr_gov7a | Trust in National Government

tr_gov8a | Trust in National Government Officials

tr_env1a | Trust in Environmental Groups

tr_health1a | Trust in Healthcare System

tr_health2a | Trust in Hospitals

tr_health3a | Trust in Doctors

tr_health4a | Trust in Medical Staff

tr_idb1a | Trust in Interamerican Development Bank

tr_icc1a | Trust in International Criminal Court

tr_imf1a | Trust in International Monetary Fund

tr_ju1a | Trust in Judiciary

tr_ju2a | Trust in Judges

tr_ju3a | Trust in Local Judiciary

tr_ju5a | Trust in State Judiciary

tr_ju7a | Trust in National Judiciary

tr_ladb1a | Trust in Latin American Development Bank

tr_nafta1a | Trust in North American Free Trade Agreement

tr_oau1a | Trust in Organisation of African Unity

tr_oas1a | Trust in Organization of American States

tr_parl1a | Trust in Parliament

tr_parl2a | Trust in Lower Parliament

tr_parl3a | Trust in Upper Parliament

tr_parl4a | Trust in State Parliament

tr_parl5a | Trust in Members of Parliament

tr_pol1a | Trust in Police

tr_pol2a | Trust in Police Officers

tr_pp1a | Trust in Political Parties

tr_pp2a | Trust in Politicians

tr_pp3a | Trust in Opposition Parties

tr_pp4a | Trust in Governing Parties

tr_ps1a | Trust in Political System

tr_me1a | Trust in Media

tr_me2a | Trust in Journalists

tr_me3a | Trust in Newspapers

tr_me4a | Trust in Radio

tr_me5a | Trust in Television

tr_me6a | Trust in National Broadcasting Services

tr_me7a | Trust in Internet

tr_me8a | Trust in Social Media

tr_mil1a | Trust in Military

tr_mil2a | Trust in Military Officers

tr_nato1a | Trust in NATO

tr_ngo1a | Trust in NGOs

tr_ri1a | Trust in Religious Institutions

tr_ri2a | Trust in Religious Leaders

tr_ri3a | Trust in Islamic Institutions

tr_ri4a | Trust in Catholic Institutions

tr_ri5a | Trust in Protestant Institutions

tr_ri6a | Trust in Hindu Institutions

tr_saarc1a | Trust in SAARC

tr_sci2a | Trust in Scientists

tr_scm1a | Trust in Southern Common Market

tr_ss1a | Trust in State Security

tr_tax1a | Trust in Tax Authorities

tr_tu1a | Trust in Trade Unions

tr_tu2a | Trust in Farmer Organisations

tr_un1a | Trust in United Nations

tr_undp1a | Trust in United Nations Development Program

tr_ws1a | Trust in Welfare System

tr_wb1a | Trust in World Bank

tr_who1a | Trust in World Health Organisation

tr_wto1a | Trust in World Trade Organisation

Trust in African Union

tr_au104d | Confidence in African Union

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The African Union. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in Andean Community

tr_ac104d | Confidence in Andean Pact

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The Andean Pact. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in APEC Forum

tr_apec104d | Confidence in APEC

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The APEC. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in Arab League

tr_al102a | Trust in Arab League

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Arab League. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_al104d | Confidence in Arab League

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The Arab League. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in ASEAN

tr_asean104d | Confidence in ASEAN

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in Banks

tr_bank103d | Confidence in Financial Institutions

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Financial institutions. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_bank104d | Confidence in Banks and Financial Institutions

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Banks/ Banks and financial institutions. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_bank104e | Trust in Private Banks

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.)  Private banks. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_bank104k | Confidence in Banks

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Banks. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_bank104l | Trust in Banks and Financial Institutions

I am going to name some institutions in our country.  Please tell me how much, if at all, you trust each one.  Banks and financial Institutions – do you trust them a lot, somewhat, not too much, or not at all? 0 = not at all, 1 = not too much, 2 = somewhat, 3 = a lot

tr_bank104t | Trust in Banks

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Banks. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_bank105d | Confidence in Banks and Financial Institutions

How much confidence do you have in banks and financial institutions? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal, 4 = complete confidence

tr_bank105q | Trust in Banks and the Financial System

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Banks and the financial system. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_bank310a | Trust in Local Government

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Banks. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

tr_bank111a | Confidence in Banks

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a very great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  (Alternative: Now, thinking about [National] political institutions like Parliament, please use the 0 to 10 scale to indicate how much trust you have for each of the following, where 0 means no trust and 10 means a great deal of trust.)  Banks in [Country]. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

Trust in Banks: Personnel

tr_bank204o | Trust in Bank Staff

How much do you trust the following people?  Banking staff.

 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

tr_bank207a | Trust in Bank Directors

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternatives: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Directors of big banks, financial enterprises:

0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

Trust in Charities

tr_char104d | Confidence in Charities

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Charities/ Humanitarian organizations. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_char104h | Confidence in Charitable Organisations

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  Charitable organisations. 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

tr_char105d | Confidence in Charities

How much confidence do you have in charities? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal, 4 = complete confidence

tr_char310a | Trust in Charitable Organisations

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Humanitarian or charitable organisations. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

Trust in Civil Service

tr_civil102a | Trust in Civil Service

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Civil service. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_civil104d | Confidence in Civil Service

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Civil service (Alternative: The public service). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_civil104e | Trust in Civil Service

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Civil service. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_civil104k | Confidence in Public Administration

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Public Administration. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_civil104q | Trust in Civil Service

I will name a list of institutions.  For each, please indicate whether you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it.  The civil service. 0 = distrust it greatly, 1 = tend to distrust it, 2 = tend to trust it, 3 = trust it a great deal

tr_civil104z | Trust in Public Administration

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Public administration. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_civil105d | Confidence in Public Service

How much confidence do you have in the public service? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal, 4 = complete confidence

tr_civil105f | Confidence in Civil Service

How much confidence do you have in the civil service? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

tr_civil106e | Trust in Civil Service

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Civil service. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_civil107a | Trust in Civil Service

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests? To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Civil service. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_civil109a | Confidence in Public Service

Thinking of a scale where 8 means full trust and confidence, 0 means no trust and confidence at all, 4 means you have trust and confidence about half the time, and numbers in between represent varying degrees of trust and confidence.  How much trust and confidence would you say you have in the public service. 0 = no trust and confidence, 4 = halfway trust and confidence, 8 = full trust and confidence

tr_civil111a | Confidence in Civil Service

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  Civil service. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

tr_civil111c | Trust in Civil Service

I will now read out the names of different institutions such as the police, government, civil service, etc.  Please tell me how strongly you personally trust each of these institutions.  The civil service. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = very strong trust

Trust in Civil Service: Officials

tr_civil205a | Trust Public Servants

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?  (Alternative: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?)  Most public servants can be trusted to do what is best for the country. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neither agree nor disagree, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

tr_civil205x | Trust in Public Officials

How much would you trust the following groups to deal honestly with people like you?  Public officials.  0 = distrust a lot, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = trust a lot

tr_civil205y | Trust in Civil Servants

How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?  Most government administrators (civil servants) can be trusted to do what is best for the country. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neither agree nor disagree, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

tr_civil207c | Trust in Civil Servants

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)). Civil servants (Alternative: Public officials). 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_civil209a | Confidence in Public Servants

Thinking of a scale where 8 means full trust and confidence, 0 means no trust and confidence at all, 4 means you have trust and confidence about half the time, and numbers in between represent varying degrees of trust and confidence.  How much trust and confidence would you say you have in public servants? 0 = no trust and confidence, 4 = halfway trust and confidence, 8 = full trust and confidence

Trust in Companies

tr_com104t | Trust in Businesses

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Businesses. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_com105d | Confidence in Business and Industry

How much confidence do you have in business and industry? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal, 4 = complete confidence

tr_com105f | Confidence in Business and Industry

How much confidence do you have in business and industry? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

tr_com107a | Trust in Private Enterprise

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests? To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Private enterprises. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_com107c | Trust in Private Enterprises

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Private enterprises. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

Trust in Large Companies

tr_com202a | Trust in Big Companies

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Big companies. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_com203c | Confidence in Major Companies

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  Major companies. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_com203d | Confidence in Major Companies

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Major companies. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_com204b | Trust in Big Private Corporations

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Big private corporations. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_com204d | Confidence in Major Companies

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Major companies (Alternative: Big business; Major [Country] companies). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_com204g | Trust in Large Domestic Companies

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  Large domestic companies. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_com204k | Confidence in Large Companies

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Large companies. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_com204y | Trust in Big Business

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  Big business. 0 = very little, 1 = some, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_com205k | Trust in Big Business

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  Big business. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_com207a | Trust in Big Corporations

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests? To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Big corporations. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_com211a | Trust in Major Private Companies

Using the following scale ranging from 0 to 10, where 0 means no trust at all and 10 means complete trust, please indicate how much trust you personally have in major private companies in [Country]? 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

tr_com211b | Trust in Big Corporations

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0–10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  (Alternative: Using the following scale ranging from 0 to 10, where 0 means no trust at all and 10 means complete trust, please indicate how much trust you personally have in…?)  Big corporations (Alternative: major private companies in [Country].  0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

tr_ju111b | Trust in Legal System

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0–10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  (Alternative: Using the following scale ranging from 0 to 10, where 0 means no trust at all and 10 means complete trust, please indicate how much trust you personally have in…?)  The legal system (Alternative: [Country]’s courts. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

Trust in Private Companies

tr_com303c | Confidence in Private Companies

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  Private companies. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_com304k | Confidence in Private Enterprises

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Private enterprises. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_com305n | Confidence in Private Companies

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  Private companies. 0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

tr_com307d | Trust in Private Enterprises

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  Private enterprises. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

Trust in State Companies

tr_com403c | Confidence in State Companies

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  State companies. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_com404b | Trust in Public Corporations

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Public corporations. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_com405n | Confidence in State Companies

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  State companies. 0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

Trust in Small Companies

tr_com502a | Trust in Small Companies

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Small companies. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_com504b | Trust in Small Businesses

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Small businesses or shopkeepers. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

Trust in Multinational Companies

tr_com604d | Confidence in International Big Business

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  International big business. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_com604g | Trust in Multinational Companies

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  Multinational companies operating in [COUNTRY]. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

Trust in Businesspeople

tr_com704ad| Trust in Business Leaders

How much do you trust business leaders to do what is right for [Survey Public] – a lot, some, not too much, or not at all? 0 = not at all, 1 = not too much, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_com704e | Trust in Domestic Businesspeople

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.)  Domestic businesspeople. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_com704o | Trust in Company Executives

How much do you trust the following people?  Company executives. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

tr_com705h | Businessmen Trustworthy

Do you agree that institutions or groups which I will mention are trustworthy?  The Businessmen. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neutral, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

tr_com707a | Trust in Directors of Big Enterprises

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests? To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Directors of big industrial enterprises. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

Trust in Industry

tr_id805c | Trust in Industry

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Industry. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

Trust in Companies: Other

tr_com904h | Confidence in Employers

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  Employers. 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

tr_com904p | Trust in Confindustria (Business’ Union)

Now I shall read a list of institutions.  Please tell me how much you trust each of them.  Confindustria (Business’ union). 0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = somewhat, 3 = very much

Trust in Council of the European Union

tr_couneu102a | Trust in Council of the EU

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The Council of the EU. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

Trust in Education System

tr_edu104d | Confidence in Education System

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The education system. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_edu105da | Confidence in Education System

How much confidence do you have in the educational system in [Country]? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

tr_edu105d | Confidence in Schools and Education System

How much confidence do you have in schools and the educational system? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal, 4 = complete confidence

tr_edu105f | Confidence in Education System

How much confidence do you have in schools and education system? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

tr_edu104g | Trust in Public Education System

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The public education system. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

Trust in Schools

tr_edu203d | Confidence in Schools

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Schools. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_edu204h | Confidence in Public Schools

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  Public schools. 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

tr_edu205f | Confidence in Schools and Education System

How much confidence do you have in schools and the education system? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

Trust in Teachers

tr_edu304o | Trust in Teachers

How much do you trust the following people?  Teachers. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

Trust in Universities

tr_edu5a | Trust in Universities

Harmonized variable with values from other trust in university variables.  Values recoded to indicate a lack of trust or very low levels of trust and quite a lot of trust or complete trust, with neutral and midpoints omitted. 0 = distrust, 1 = trust

tr_edu504e | Trust in Private Universities

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.)  Private universities. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_edu504d | Confidence in Universities

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Universities. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in Researchers

tr_edu603d | Confidence in Scholars

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Scholars/ researchers. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

Trust in Electoral Management Body

tr_emb104a | Trust in National Electoral Commission

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right? [National Electoral Commission]. 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_emb104b | Trust in National Electoral Commission

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  National electoral commission. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_emb104d | Confidence in Electoral Commission

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The electoral commission. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_emb104e | Trust in National Electoral Commission

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The election commission [specify institution by name]. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_emb104f | Trust in Election Commission

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: [National Election Commission]. 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_emb104k | Confidence in Electoral Institution

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Electoral Institution. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_emb104t | Trust in Electoral Commission

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Electoral commission. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_emb104u | Trust in Electoral Commission

I am now going to read you a list of people and organizations.  How much do you trust each of them to do what is right?  The Electoral Commission. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_emb104z | Trust in Electoral Commission

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in…?  (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Independent Election Commission. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_emb105k | Trust in National Electoral Commission

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present. [National Electoral Commission]. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_emb106e | Trust in Electoral Commission

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The electoral commission. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_emb107a | Trust in National Electoral Court

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests? To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  [National Electoral Court]. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_emb107b | Trust in National Electoral Body

To what extent do you trust the [National Electoral Body]? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

tr_emb111a | Confidence in National Electoral Commission

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  [National Electoral Commission]. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

Trust in Electoral Management Officials

tr_emb205b | Trust in Election Officials

How much do you trust the officials who oversee elections where you live? 0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = a moderate amount, 3 = a lot, 4 = a great deal

Trust in European Union

tr_eu102a | Trust in European Union

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The European Union. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_eu104c | Trust in European Union

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.)  The European Union. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_eu104d | Confidence in European Union

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The European Union. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_eu104n | Trust in European Union

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  European Union. 0 = tend to not trust, 3 = tend to trust

tr_eu104v | Trust in European Union

How much trust and confidence you have in the following institutions to do a good job in [Country] whilst carrying out their responsibilities?  (Alternative: Overall, how much trust and confidence do you have in the following to do a good job in [Country] and act in a fair manner whilst carrying out their responsibilities?  The European Union Institutions. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_eu111a | Confidence in European Union

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a very great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  (Alternative: Now, thinking about [National] political institutions like Parliament, please use the 0 to 10 scale to indicate how much trust you have for each of the following, where 0 means no trust and 10 means a great deal of trust.)  The European Union. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

tr_eu111c | Trust in European Union

I will now read out the names of different institutions such as the police, government, civil service, etc.  Please tell me how strongly you personally trust each of these institutions.  The European Union (EU). 0 = no trust at all, 10 = very strong trust

Trust in European Parliament

tr_ep102a | Trust in European Parliament

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The European Parliament. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_ep111b | Trust in European Parliament

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0 to 10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  European parliament. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

Trust in European Commission

tr_eucom102a | Trust in European Commission

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The European Commission. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

Trust in European Central Bank

tr_ecb102a | Trust in European Central Bank

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The European Central Bank. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

Trust in European Council

tr_eucoun102a | Trust in European Council

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The European Council. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

Trust in National Executive

tr_exec103c | Confidence in Executive Branch

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  Executive branch of the federal government. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = some confidence, 2 = a great deal of confidence

tr_exec104ah | Trust in Executive Branch

Generally speaking, how much do you trust the executive branch as a whole to operate in the best interest of the [Nationality] people – a great deal, a fair amount, not too much, or not at all?  0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_exec104b | Trust in Executive

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Key leadership figure (president/ prime minister). 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_exec104bk | Trust in King

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  King. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_exec104e | Trust in Chief Executive

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Chief executive (chief executive, premier, prime minister, or president). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_exec105c | Trust in Executive

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Executive government (Prime Minister/ President and ministers/ cabinet). 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_exec111b | Trust in Executive

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0 to 10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  The executive. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

Trust in President

tr_exec203b | Trust in President

Do you trust the president? 0 = no, 1 = somewhat, 2 = yes

tr_exec204a | Trust in President

How much of the time can you trust the President to do what is right?  (Alternative: How much of the time do you think you can trust President [Name] to do what is right?) 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_exec204ah | Trust in President

Generally speaking, how much do you trust the President to operate in the best interest of the [Nationality] people – a great deal, a fair amount, not too much, or not at all?  0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_exec204aj | Faith in President

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in the President (of your republic)]? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_exec204b | Trust in President

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  The president. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_exec204d | Confidence in President

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The President. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence

tr_exec204e | Trust in Presidency

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The presidency. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_exec204j | Trust in President

I am interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements.  The president of your country. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_exec204k | Confidence in President

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  The President. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_exec204o | Trust in President

How much do you trust the following people?  President [Name]. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

tr_exec204p | Trust in President

Now I shall read a list of institutions.  Please tell me how much you trust each of them: The president. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = somewhat, 3 = very much

tr_exec204r | Trust in President

To what extent do you have trust in the following bodies or persons: The President. 0 = not at all, 1 = little trust, 2 = certain trust, 3 = strong trust

tr_exec204t | Trust in President

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  The president. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_exec204u | Trust in President

I am now going to read you a list of people.  I would like to know whether, generally speaking, you trust them to do what is right.  Do you trust the following people?  President [Name]. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_exec104w | Trust in President

I would like to ask you, how much trust you personally trust or distrust the following institutions in [your Country].  President. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = rather trust, 3 = completely trust

tr_exec204wb | Trust in President

To what extent do you personally trust?  President of the country. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_exec205j | Trust in President

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  The President. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_exec205q | Trust in Precedency

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  The Precedency. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_exec205ua | Trust in President

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  President of the Republic. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_exec206e | Trust in President

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The president. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_exec207a | Trust in President

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests? To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  The President. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_exec207b | Trust in President

To what extent do you trust the President? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

tr_exec207c | Trust in President

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  President. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_exec207d | Trust in President

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  President. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_exec210a | Trust in President

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  The government. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

Trust in Prime Minister

tr_exec304a | Trust in Prime Minister

How much of the time can you trust the Prime Minister to do what is right?  (Alternative: What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  The Prime Minister) 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_exec304b | Trust in Prime Minister

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  The Prime Minister. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_exec304e | Trust in Prime Minister

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Prime minister. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_exec304j | Trust in Prime Minister

I am interested in which of the following personalities you trust and to what degree you accept their statements.  The Prime Minister of the country. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_exec305j | Trust in Prime Minister

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  The Prime Minister. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_exec306e | Trust in Prime Minister

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The Prime Minister. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_exec307a | Trust in Prime Minister

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests? To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  The Prime Minister. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

Trust in Cabinet

tr_exec404f | Trust in Cabinet

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: The government (the cabinet). 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_exec411c | Trust in Cabinet

I will now read out the names of different institutions such as the police, government, civil service, etc.  Please tell me how strongly you personally trust each of these institutions.  The Cabinet. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = very strong trust

Trust in State Executive

tr_exec504wb | Trust in Regional Governor

To what extent do you personally trust?  Regional governor. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_exec504b | Trust in State Governor

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Your state/ province/ county governor/ premier. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_exec507a | Trust in Regional Governor

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests? To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Governor of this region. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

Trust in Mayor

tr_exec610a | Trust in Mayor

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Mayoralty. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

Trust in Local Chief

tr_exec704a | Trust in Local Chief

How much of the time can you trust the local chief to do what is right?  (Alternative: How much of the time do you think you can trust the local chief/ traditional leader/ headman to do what is right?) 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_exec704b | Trust in Traditional Leaders

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot, Chiefs).  Traditional Leaders. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_exec704t | Trust in Chiefs

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Chiefs (Alternative: Local chiefs / traditional rulers). 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

Trust in Government

tr_gov104af | Trust in Government

How much do you trust certain institutions?  Government. 0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_gov104b | Trust in Government

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  The government. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_gov104e | Trust in Government

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Government (Alternative: Council of Ministers). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_gov104w | Trust in Government

I would like to ask you, how much trust you personally trust or distrust the following institutions in [your Country].  Government. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = rather trust, 3 = completely trust

tr_gov105j | Trust in Government

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  The government. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_gov105l | Trust in Government

And how much do you agree or disagree with these opinions?  Please tick one box in each row.  You can trust the government to do what is right most of the time. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neither, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

tr_gov105s | Trust in Government

The government of your country is (recoded): 0 = not at all trustworthy, 4 = completely trustworthy

tr_gov105ua | Trust in Government

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Government. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_gov107a | Trust in Government

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  The government. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_gov107d | Trust in Government

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  Government. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_gov109etb | Trust in Government

Below is a list of institutions.  For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale where zero means that you do not trust them at all and eight means that you trust them a great deal (recoded).  Government in general. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust a great deal

tr_gov110a | Trust in Government

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  The government. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

tr_gov111b | Trust in Government

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0 to 10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  The government. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

Trust in Government Departments

tr_gov203d | Confidence in Ministries and Government Agencies

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Ministries and government agencies. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_gov205f | Confidence in Government Departments

How much confidence do you have in government departments? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

Trust in Local Government

tr_gov302a | Trust in Local Government

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Local government. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_gov303b | Trust in Local Government

Do you trust the local government? 0 = no, .1 = somewhat, 2 = yes

tr_gov303c | Confidence in Local Government

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  Local government. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_gov304a | Trust in Local Government

How much of the time can you trust your local government to do what is right?  (Alternative: How much of the time do you think you can trust the local government here in [Name of Local Government Unit] to do what is right? 1 = (almost) never, 2 = only some of the time, 3 = most of the time, 4 = just about always

tr_gov304af | Trust in Local Authorities

How much do you trust certain institutions?  Local authorities. 0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_gov304b | Trust in Local Government Body

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  [Local Government Body – often Local Council]. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_gov304c | Trust in Local Government

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.)  Local government. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_gov304e | Trust in Local Government

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.)  Local government [name of municipality]. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_gov304g | Trust in Local Government

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  Your local government. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_gov304k | Confidence in Local Government

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Local government. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_gov304p | Trust in Communal Administration

Now I shall read a list of institutions.  Please tell me how much you trust each of them.  Communal Administration where I live. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = somewhat, 3 = very much

tr_gov304t | Trust in Local Government

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Local government (Alternative: District Assemblies). 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_gov304u | Trust in Local District Councils

I am now going to read you a list of people and organizations.  How much do you trust each of them to do what is right?  Local district councils (Local Council Vs in Uganda). 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_gov304v | Trust in Local Government

How much trust and confidence you have in the following institutions to do a good job in [Country] whilst carrying out their responsibilities?  (Alternative: Overall, how much trust and confidence do you have in the following to do a good job in [Country] and act in a fair manner whilst carrying out their responsibilities?  The local government. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_gov304z | Trust in Municipality

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  District government. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_gov305c | Trust in Local Government

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Local government. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_gov305k | Trust in Local Government

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  Your local government. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_gov305o | Trust in Local Government

How much of the time do you think you can trust the local government to do what is right? 0 = never, 1 = hardly ever, 2 = some of the time, 3 = most of the time, 4 = always

tr_gov305q | Trust in Local Government

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Your local government. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_gov306e | Trust in Local Government

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Local government. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_gov307a | Trust in Local Government

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Local government (Alternative: City/ town/ village council). 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_gov307d | Trust in Local Authorities

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  Local authorities. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_gov310a | Trust in Local Government

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Local (municipal) government. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

tr_gov311a | Confidence in Local Government

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  Local government. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

tr_gov311b | Trust in Local Government

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0 to 10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  Local government. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

tr_gov311c | Trust in Municipal Board

I will now read out the names of different institutions such as the police, government, civil service, etc.  Please tell me how strongly you personally trust each of these institutions. [Name of municipal board]. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = very strong trust

Trust in Local Government Officials

tr_gov404a | Trust in Local Councillors

How much do you trust local councillors of any party to place the needs of their area above the interests of their own political party?) 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_gov403d | Confidence in Municipal Councillors

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Members of municipal councils. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_gov404o | Trust in Local Government Officials

How much do you trust the following people?  Local government officials. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

Trust in State Government

tr_gov502a | Trust in Regional Authorities

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Regional public authorities. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_gov504a | Trust in Provincial Government

How much of the time can you trust the [Province] government to do what is right? 1 = (almost) never, 2 = only some of the time, 3 = most of the time, 4 = just about always

tr_gov504b | Trust in State Government

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  [Name of state/ provincial/ district body]. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_gov504c | Trust in Regional Government

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.)  Regional government. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_gov504d | Confidence in Provincial Government

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following).  The provincial government / The state government. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_gov504e | Trust in Regional Government

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.)  Regional government. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_gov504s | Confidence in State Governments

Now I am going to read you a list of groups and organizations.  Please tell me how much confidence you have in each group to do the right thing for [Country]: State governments. 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = not too much confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a lot of confidence

tr_gov504p | Trust in Regional Administration

Now I shall read a list of institutions.  Please tell me how much you trust each of them.  Regional administration where I live. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = somewhat, 3 = very much

tr_gov504z | Trust in Provincial Government

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Provincial Government. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_gov505c | Trust in State Governments

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  State governments. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_gov505q | Trust in Regional Government

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Regional government. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_gov510a | Trust in Regional Council

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Regional council. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

Trust in State Government Officials

tr_gov607b | Trust in District Commissioner

To what extent do you trust the District Commissioner? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

Trust in National Government

tr_gov702a | Trust in National Government

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The [National] government. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_gov702oecd | Trust in National Government

In this country, do you have confidence in… the national government? 0 = no, 1 = yes

tr_gov703a | Trust in National Government

How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in [Capital] to do what is right? 0 = only some of the time, 1 = most of the time, 2 = just about always

tr_gov703c | Confidence in National Government

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  The government. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_gov704aa | Trust in National Government

Generally speaking, to what extent do you trust or distrust the following institutions in our country?  The government of [Country]. 0 = not trust at all, 1 = rather not trust, 2 = rather trust, 3 = fully trust

tr_gov704ab | Trust in National Government

How much do you think we can trust the government in [Capital] to do what is right?  (Alternative: How much of the time do you think you can trust the government to put the country’s needs first?  How often do you think the government in [Capital] can be trusted to do the right thing for the [National] people?  How much do you trust [National] governments of any political party to place the needs of the nation above the interests of their own political party?)  0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_gov704ad| Trust in National Government

How much do you trust the national government to do what is right for [Survey Public] – a lot, some, not too much, or not at all? 0 = not at all, 1 = not too much, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_gov704ah | Trust in National Government

Generally speaking, how much do you trust the federal/national government to operate in the best interest of the [Nationality] people – a great deal, a fair amount, not too much, or not at all?  0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_gov704aj | Faith in National Government

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in the government (of your republic)? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_gov704c | Trust in National Government

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.)  The national government. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_gov704d | Confidence in National Government

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The [Federal/ National] government [in Capital]. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_gov704e | Trust in National Government

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The national government in [Capital] city. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_gov704g | Trust in Central Government

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The central government. 0 = do not trust at all, 1 = do not really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_gov704k | Confidence in National Government

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  The national government. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_gov704m | Trust in National Government

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others.  To what degree do you feel you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  National government. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_gov704q | Trust in National Government

I will name a list of institutions.  For each, please indicate whether you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it.  The national government. 0 = distrust it greatly, 1 = tend to distrust it, 2 = tend to trust it, 3 = trust it a great deal

tr_gov704s | Confidence in National Government

Now I am going to read you a list of groups and organizations.  Please tell me how much confidence you have in each group to do the right thing for [Country]: (Alternative: How much do you trust the national government to do what is right for [Country] — a lot, somewhat, not much, or not at all?)  Our national government. 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = not too much confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a lot of confidence

tr_gov704v | Trust in National Government

How much trust and confidence you have in the following institutions to do a good job in [Country] whilst carrying out their responsibilities?  (Alternative: Overall, how much trust and confidence do you have in the following to do a good job in [Country] and act in a fair manner whilst carrying out their responsibilities?  The national government (including politicians, public servants or any kind of government agency). 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_gov704wb | Trust in National Government

To what extent do you personally trust?  National government. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_gov705a | Trust in National Government

How often do you trust the government in [Capital] to make a fair decision? 0 = never, 1 = once in a while, 2 = about half the time, 3 = most of the time, 4 = always

tr_gov705c | Trust in National Government

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  The [Central/ National/ Federal/ Commonwealth] government. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_gov705e | Trust in National Government

How often can you trust the [national/ federal] government in [Capital] to do what is right? 0 = never, 1 = some of the time, 2 = about half the time, 3 = most of the time, 4 = always

tr_gov705i | Trust in National Government

I am going to ask you how much trust you have in various people and institutions in [Country].  In each case, please choose a phrase from the card.  First of all, what about [Country] government in general?  How much do you trust it? 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = some, 3 = quite a lot, 4 = a great deal

tr_gov705k | Trust in National Government

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  National government. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_gov705ma | Trust in National Government

How much of the time do you think you can trust the government in [Capital] to do what is right? 0 = never, 1 = rarely, 2 = sometimes, 3 = often, 4 = very often

tr_gov705mb | Trust in National Government

How much do you think we can trust the government in [Capital] to do what is right?   0 = almost never, 1 = some of the time, 2 = it depends, 3 = most of the time, 4 = just about always

tr_gov705n | Confidence in Government

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  The government. 0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

tr_gov705o | Trust in National Government

How much of the time do you think you can trust the national government to do what is right? 0 = never, 1 = hardly ever, 2 = some of the time, 3 = most of the time, 4 = always

tr_gov705q | Trust in National Government or Cabinet

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  The national government/ cabinet of ministers. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_gov706e | Trust in National Government

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The government in [capital city]. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_gov707c | Trust in National Government

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Government. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_gov711a | Confidence in National Government

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a very great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  (Alternative: Now, thinking about [National] political institutions like Parliament, please use the 0 to 10 scale to indicate how much trust you have for each of the following, where 0 means no trust and 10 means a great deal of trust.)  The government. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

Trust in National Government Officials

tr_gov802b | Trust in National Government Officials

In general, do you feel that the people in government are too often interested in looking after themselves, or do you feel that they can be trusted to do the right thing nearly all the time? 0 = look after themselves, 1 = do the right thing

tr_gov803e | Trust in National Government Officials

In general, do you feel that the people in government are too often interested in looking after themselves, or do you feel that they can be trusted to do the right thing nearly all the time? 0 = look after themselves, 1 = some do, some don’t, 2 = do the right thing

tr_gov804j | Trust in National Government Officials

In general, do you feel that the people in government are too often interested in looking after themselves, or do you feel that they can be trusted to do the right thing nearly all the time? 0 = usually look after themselves, 1 = sometimes look after themselves, 2 = sometimes can be trusted to do the right thing, 3 = usually can be trusted to do the right thing

tr_gov804o | Trust in National Government Officials

How much do you trust the following people?  The national government officials. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

tr_gov804x | Trust in Government Officials

One can generally trust the people who run the government to do what is right. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = agree, 3 = strongly agree

tr_gov804z | Trust in Government Ministers

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Government Ministers. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

Trust in Government Officials

tr_gov903a | Honesty of People in Government

Let us talk a little now about the government.  Some people think that many of the people in the government aren’t very honest.  Do you think there are many like this, only some, or almost none? 0 = many, 1 = some, 2 = almost none

tr_gov905a | Trust People in Government

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?  (Alternative: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?) Most of the time we can trust people in government to do what is right. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neither agree nor disagree, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

Trust in Environmental Groups

tr_env104aj | Faith in Green Movement

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in the green movement? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_env104da | Confidence in Green/Ecology Movement

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The Green/Ecology Movement. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_env104db | Confidence in Environmental Protection Movement

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The Environmental Protection Movement. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_env104dc | Confidence in Environmental Organisations

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Environmental Organisations. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_env105c | Trust in Environmental Groups

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Environmental groups. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

Trust in Women’s Groups

tr_wom104d | Confidence in Women’s Movement

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The women’s movement. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_wom104u | Trust in Woman’s Organizations

I am now going to read you a list of people and organizations.  How much do you trust each of them to do what is right?  Woman’s Organizations. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

Trust in Healthcare System

tr_health104d | Confidence in Health Care System

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please  indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Health care system. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_health104g | Trust in Public Health System

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The public health system. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_health105da | Confidence in Health Care System

How much confidence do you have in the health care system in [Country]? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

Trust in Hospitals

tr_health203d | Confidence in Hospitals

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Hospitals. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_health204e | Trust in Private Hospitals

Please tell me how much you trust each of the following?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.)  Private hospitals. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_health204h | Confidence in Hospitals

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  Hospitals. 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

Trust in Doctors

tr_health304h | Confidence in Doctors

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  Doctors. 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

tr_health304o | Trust in Physicians

How much do you trust the following people?  Physicians. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

tr_health305aa | Trust in Doctors

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about doctors in general in [Country]?  All things considered, doctors can be trusted. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neither agree nor disagree, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

Trust in Medical Staff

tr_health402a | Trust in Health and Medical Staff

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Health and medical staff in [Country]. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_health404wb | Trust in Medical Staff

To what extent do you personally trust?  Doctors, nurses, other hospital staff. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

Trust in Interamerican Development Bank

tr_idb104k | Confidence in Interamerican Development Bank

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  BID (Interamerican Development Bank). 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

Trust in International Criminal Court

tr_icc104d | Confidence in International Criminal Court

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  International Criminal Court (ICC). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_icc104b | Trust in International Criminal Court

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  International Criminal Court. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

Trust in International Monetary Fund

tr_imf104d | Confidence in International Monetary Fund

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  International Monetary Fund (IMF). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_imf104g | Trust in International Monetary Fund

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The International Monetary Fund. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_imf104k | Confidence in International Monetary Fund

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  IMF. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

Trust in Judiciary

tr_ju102a | Trust in National Legal System

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Justice/ the [Nationality] legal system. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_ju103d | Confidence in Courts

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Courts. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_ju104a | Trust in Courts of Law

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  The courts of law (Alternative: The criminal justice system). 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_ju104aa | Trust in Judicial System

Generally speaking, to what extent do you trust or distrust the following institutions in our country?  The judicial system of [Country] (courts, prosecutor’s office). 0 = not trust at all, 1 = rather not trust, 2 = rather trust, 3 = fully trust

tr_ju104ae | Trust in Courts and Judiciary

Do you have confidence in courts and the judiciary in your country? 0 = I do not have confidence at all, 1 = mostly I do not have confidence, 2 = mostly I have confidence, 3 = I have full confidence

tr_ju104af | Trust in Courts and Judiciary

How much do you trust certain institutions?  Courts and judiciary. 0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_ju104ah | Trust in Judicial Branch

Generally speaking, how much do you trust the judicial branch as a whole to operate in the best interest of the [Nationality] people – a great deal, a fair amount, not too much, or not at all?  0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_ju104aj | Faith in Courts

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in the courts? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_ju104b | Trust in Courts of Law

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  The courts of law. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_ju104d | Confidence in Courts and Legal System

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The courts and legal system (Alternative: Justice system). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ju104e | Trust in Courts

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The courts (Alternative: Courts and legal system). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ju104f | Trust in Judiciary

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: The judiciary (Alternative: The courts). 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_ju104g | Trust in Legal System

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The legal system. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_ju104h | Confidence in National Legal System

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  The legal system (Alternative: The law courts). 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

tr_ju104k | Confidence in Judiciary

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Judiciary. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_ju104p | Trust in Judiciary

Now I shall read a list of institutions.  Please tell me how much you trust each of them.  Judiciary. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = somewhat, 3 = very much

tr_ju104q | Trust in Judiciary

I will name a list of institutions.  For each, please indicate whether you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it.  Judiciary. 0 = distrust it greatly, 1 = tend to distrust it, 2 = tend to trust it, 3 = trust it a great deal

tr_ju104r | Trust in Courts

To what extent do you have trust in the following bodies or persons: The courts. 0 = not at all, 1 = little trust, 2 = certain trust, 3 = strong trust

tr_ju104s | Confidence in Courts

Now I am going to read you a list of groups and organizations.  Please tell me how much confidence you have in each group to do the right thing for [Country]: Courts. 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = not too much confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a lot of confidence

tr_ju104t | Trust in Courts of Law

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Courts (Alternative: Courts of law). 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_ju104u | Trust in Courts of Law

I am now going to read you a list of people and organizations.  How much do you trust each of them to do what is right?  The courts of law. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_ju104v | Trust in Courts

How much trust and confidence you have in the following institutions to do a good job in [Country] whilst carrying out their responsibilities?  (Alternative: Overall, how much trust and confidence do you have in the following to do a good job in [Country] and act in a fair manner whilst carrying out their responsibilities?  The courts. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_ju104w | Trust in Courts and Judiciary

I would like to ask you, how much trust you personally trust or distrust the following institutions in [your Country].  Courts and judiciary in [my country]. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = rather trust, 3 = completely trust

tr_ju104wb | Trust in Courts

To what extent do you personally trust?  Courts. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_ju104y | Trust in Justice Department

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  Justice department. 0 = very little, 1 = some, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ju104z | Trust in Court System

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Court system (Alternative: Justice system; The government justice system). 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_ju105c | Trust in Legal System

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust: Legal system. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_ju105d | Confidence in Courts and Legal System

How much confidence do you have in the courts and legal system? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal, 4 = complete confidence

tr_ju105f | Confidence in Courts and Legal System

How much confidence do you have in courts and the legal system? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

tr_ju105k | Trust in Courts

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  Courts. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_ju105n | Confidence in National Courts

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  Courts. 0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

tr_ju105p | Trust in Courts

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Courts. 0 = very untrustworthy, 1 = untrustworthy, 2 = neutral, 3 = trustworthy, 4 = very trustworthy

tr_ju105q | Trust in Courts

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  The courts. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_ju105t| Trust in Law Courts

Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements about the law courts in [Country].  I trust the law courts in [Country]. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neither agree nor disagree, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

tr_ju105ua | Trust in Judiciary

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Judiciary. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_ju106e | Trust in Courts

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The courts. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_ju107a | Trust in Courts

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Courts (Alternative: Justice system). 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_ju107b | Trust in Justice System

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust the justice system? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

tr_ju107c | Trust in Courts

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Courts. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_ju107d | Trust in Courts

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  Courts. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_ju110a | Trust in Legal System

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  The legal system (Alternative: Courts). 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

tr_ju111a | Confidence in Courts

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  Courts. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

tr_ju111b | Trust in Legal System

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0–10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  (Alternative: Using the following scale ranging from 0 to 10, where 0 means no trust at all and 10 means complete trust, please indicate how much trust you personally have in…?)  The legal system (Alternative: [Country]’s courts. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

tr_ju111c | Trust in Courts

I will now read out the names of different institutions such as the police, government, civil service, etc.  Please tell me how strongly you personally trust each of these institutions.  The courts. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = very strong trust

Trust in Judges

tr_ju204o | Trust in Judges

How much do you trust the following people?  Judges. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

tr_ju205j | Trust in Judges and Courts

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  Judges and courts. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

Trust in Local Judiciary

tr_ju304b | Trust in Local Courts

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Local courts. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

Trust in State Judiciary

tr_ju504b | Trust in Provincial Court

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Provincial court. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

Trust in National Judiciary

tr_ju703c | Confidence in National Court

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  [Name Highest National Court]. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_ju704ah | Trust in National High Court

Generally speaking, how much do you trust [Name of National High Court] to operate in the best interest of the [Nationality] people – a great deal, a fair amount, not too much, or not at all? 0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_ju704b | Trust in National Court

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  [Name of High Court]. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_ju704y | Trust in National Court

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  Supreme Court. 0 = very little, 1 = some, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ju707a | Trust in Constitutional Court

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Constitutional court. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_ju707b | Trust in High Court

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust the [Name of High Court? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

tr_ju711a | Confidence in High Court

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  High Court. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

Trust in Latin American Development Bank

tr_ladb104k | Confidence in Latin American Development Bank

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  CAF (Latin American Development Bank). 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

Trust in NAFTA

tr_nafta104d | Confidence in NAFTA

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The NAFTA. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in Ombudsman

tr_omb104af | Trust in Ombudsman

How much do you trust certain institutions?  Ombudsman. 0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

Trust in Procuracy

tr_omb204aj | Faith in Procuracy of Republic

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in the procuracy of (Republic)? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

Trust in Organisation of African Unity

tr_oau104d | Confidence in OAU

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The OAU. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in Organization of American States

tr_oas104d | Confidence in Organization of American States

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The OAS. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_oas104k | Confidence in Organization of American States

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Organization of American States. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

Trust in Parliament

tr_parl102a | Trust in National Parliament

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The [Nationality] Parliament. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_parl103b | Trust in Parliament

Do you trust the parliament? 0 = no, 1 = somewhat, 2 = yes

tr_parl103c | Confidence in National Parliament

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  Parliament (Alternative: Name of national parliament]. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = some confidence, 2 = a great deal of confidence

tr_parl104a | Trust in Parliament

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_parl104aa | Trust in Parliament

Generally speaking, to what extent do you trust or distrust the following institutions in our country?  [Parliament] of [Country]. 0 = not trust at all, 1 = rather not trust, 2 = rather trust, 3 = fully trust

tr_parl104af | Trust in Parliament

How much do you trust certain institutions?  Parliament. 0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_parl104ah | Trust in Parliament

Generally speaking, how much do you trust [Name of National Parliament] to operate in the best interest of the [Nationality] people – a great deal, a fair amount, not too much, or not at all? 0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_parl104aj | Faith in National Parliament

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in the [Name of national parliament – i.e. Supreme Soviet (of your republic)]? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_parl104b | Trust in Parliament

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  The Parliament. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_parl104d | Confidence in National Parliament

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions; ).  [Federal/ National] parliament. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_parl104e | Trust in Parliament

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Parliament. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_parl104f | Trust in Parliament

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: The parliament. 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_parl104g | Trust in Parliament

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  Parliament. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_parl104h | Confidence in National Parliament

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  [National/ Federal] Parliament. 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

tr_parl104k | Confidence in National Parliament

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  National congress/ parliament. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_parl104l | Trust in Parliament

I am going to name some institutions in our country.  Please tell me how much, if at all, you trust each one.  Parliament – do you trust it a lot, somewhat, not too much, or not at all? 0 = not at all, 1 = not too much, 2 = somewhat, 3 = a lot

tr_parl104m | Confidence in Parliament

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others.  to what degree do you feel you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Parliament. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_parl104p | Trust in Parliament

Now I shall read a list of institutions.  Please tell me how much you trust each of them.  Parliament. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = somewhat, 3 = very much

tr_parl104q | Trust in Parliament

I will name a list of institutions.  For each, please indicate whether you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it.  The parliament? 0 = distrust it greatly, 1 = tend to distrust it, 2 = tend to trust it, 3 = trust it a great deal

tr_parl104t | Trust in Parliament

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Parliament. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_parl104y | Trust in Parliament

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  Parliament (Alternative: Congress). 0 = very little, 1 = some, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_parl104wb | Trust in National Parliament

To what extent do you personally trust?  National parliament. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_parl104z | Trust in Parliament

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Parliament. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_parl105c | Trust in Parliament

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Parliament. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_parl105d | Confidence in National Parliament

How much confidence do you have in the [national/ federal] parliament? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

tr_parl105f | Confidence in Parliament

How much confidence do you have in parliament? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

tr_parl105i | Trust in National Parliament

I am going to ask you how much trust you have in various people and institutions in [Country].  In each case, please choose a phrase from the card.  First of all, what about Parliament at [Capital]? How much do you trust it? 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = some, 3 = quite a lot, 4 = a great deal

tr_parl105j | Trust in Parliament

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  Parliament. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_parl105jn | Trust in New Parliament

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  New parliament. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_parl105jo | Trust in Old Parliament

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  Old parliament. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_parl105k | Trust in Parliament

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  Parliament. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_parl105p | Trust in Parliament

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Parliament/ Assembly. 0 = very untrustworthy, 1 = untrustworthy, 2 = neutral, 3 = trustworthy, 4 = very trustworthy

tr_parl105q | Trust in Parliament

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  The Parliament. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_parl105ua | Trust in Parliament

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Parliament. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_parl106e | Trust in Parliament

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Parliament. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_parl107a | Trust in Parliament

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Parliament. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_parl107b | Trust in National Assembly

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust the National Assembly? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

tr_parl107c | Trust in Parliament

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Parliament. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_parl109a | Trust and Confidence in Parliament

Thinking of a scale where 8 means full trust and confidence, 0 means no trust and confidence at all, 4 means you have trust and confidence about half the time, and numbers in between represent varying degrees of trust and confidence.  How much trust and confidence would you say you have in parliament. 0 = no trust and confidence, 4 = halfway trust and confidence, 8 = full trust and confidence

tr_parl110a | Trust in Parliament

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Parliament. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

tr_parl110b | Trust and Confidence in Parliament

How much trust and confidence would you say you have in Parliament? 0 = no trust and confidence, 9 = full trust and confidence

tr_parl111a | Confidence in Parliament

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a very great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  (Alternative: Now, thinking about [National] political institutions like Parliament, please use the 0 to 10 scale to indicate how much trust you have for each of the following, where 0 means no trust and 10 means a great deal of trust.)  Parliament (Alternative: Parliament at [National Parliament Building]. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a great deal of confidence

tr_parl111b | Trust in National Parliament

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0 to 10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  [Country’s] Parliament. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

tr_parl111c | Trust in National Parliament

I will now read out the names of different institutions such as the police, government, civil service, etc.  Please tell me how strongly you personally trust each of these institutions.  [Name of the national parliament]. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = very strong trust

Trust in Lower Parliament

tr_parl202a | Trust in National Lower Parliament

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The [Country] parliament [use Proper Name for lower house). 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_parl203c | Confidence in National Lower Parliament

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  [National Lower Parliament]. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_parl204b | Trust in National Lower Parliament

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  [Name of Lower Parliament]. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_parl204s | Confidence in Lower Parliament

Now I am going to read you a list of groups and organizations.  Please tell me how much confidence you have in each group to do the right thing for [Country]: [Name of Lower Parliament]. 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = not too much confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a lot of confidence

tr_parl205n | Confidence in National Lower Parliament

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  [National Lower Parliament]. 0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

tr_parl207d | Trust in Lower Parliament

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  [Name of Lower Parliament]. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

Trust in Upper Parliament

tr_parl303c | Confidence in National Upper Parliament

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  [National Upper Parliament]. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_parl304b | Trust in National Upper Parliament

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  [Name of National Upper Parliament]. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_parl305n | Confidence in National Upper Parliament

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  [National Upper Parliament].  0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

Trust in State Parliament

tr_parl404b | Trust in State Parliament

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  [Name of State Parliament]. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_parl404z | Trust in Provincial Councils

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Provincial Councils. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

Trust in Members of Parliament

tr_parl503d | Confidence in Parliament Members

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Parliament members. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_parl507a | Trust in Members of Parliament

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Parliament members generally. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_parl507ao | Trust in Own Member of Parliament

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Parliamentary representative for this district. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_parl504zo | Trust in Own Member of Parliament

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)   Your member of parliament. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

Trust in Police

tr_pol102a | Trust in Police

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The police. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_pol103c | Confidence in Police

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  The police. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_pol103d | Confidence in Police

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  The police. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_pol104a | Trust in Police

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  (Alternative: How much do you trust [National] police not to bend the rules in trying to get a conviction?)  The police. 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_pol104aj | Faith in Police

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in the police (militia)? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_pol104b | Trust in Police

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  The police. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_pol104e | Trust in Police

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The police. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_pol104f | Trust in Police

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them:  The police. 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_pol104g | Trust in Police

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The police. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_pol104h | Confidence in Police

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  The police. 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

tr_pol104k | Confidence in Police

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  The police. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_pol104m | Confidence in Police

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others.  to what degree do you feel you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Police. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_pol104p | Trust in Police and Carabinieri

Now I shall read a list of institutions.  Please tell me how much you trust each of them.  Police and Carabinieri. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = somewhat, 3 = very much

tr_pol104q | Trust in Police

I will name a list of institutions.  For each, please indicate whether you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it.  Police? 0 = distrust it greatly, 1 = tend to distrust it, 2 = tend to trust it, 3 = trust it a great deal

tr_pol104r | Trust in Police

To what extent do you have trust in the following bodies or persons: The police. 0 = not at all, 1 = little trust, 2 = certain trust, 3 = strong trust

tr_pol104t | Trust in Police

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  The police. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_pol104u | Trust in Police

I am now going to read you a list of people and organizations.  How much do you trust each of them to do what is right?  The police. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_pol104v | Trust in Police

How much trust and confidence you have in the following institutions to do a good job in [Country] whilst carrying out their responsibilities?  (Alternative: Overall, how much trust and confidence do you have in the following to do a good job in [Country] and act in a fair manner whilst carrying out their responsibilities?  The police. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_pol104w | Trust in Police

I would like to ask you, how much trust you personally trust or distrust the following institutions in [your Country].  Police. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = rather trust, 3 = completely trust

tr_pol104wb | Trust in Police

To what extent do you personally trust?  Police. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_pol104z | Trust in Police

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  [Nationality] National Police. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_pol105c | Trust in Police

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  The police. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_pol105i | Trust in Police

I am going to ask you how much trust you have in various people and institutions in [Country].  In each case, please choose a phrase from the card.  First of all, what about the police?  How much do you trust it? 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = some, 3 = quite a lot, 4 = a great deal

tr_pol105j | Trust in Police

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  Police. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_pol105k | Trust in Police

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  The police. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_pol105n | Confidence in Police

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  The police. 0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

tr_pol105p | Trust in Police

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Police. 0 = very untrustworthy, 1 = untrustworthy, 2 = neutral, 3 = trustworthy, 4 = very trustworthy

tr_pol105q | Trust in Police

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  The police. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_pol105ua | Trust in Police

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Police. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_pol106e | Trust in Police

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The police. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_pol107a | Trust in Police

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  The police. 0 = no trust 1, 6 = great trust

tr_pol107b | Trust in National Police

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust the National Police? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

tr_pol107c | Trust in Police

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Police. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_pol107d | Trust in Police

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  Police. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_pol110a | Trust in Police

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  The police. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

tr_pol111a | Confidence in Police

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a very great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  (Alternative: Now, thinking about [National] political institutions like Parliament, please use the 0 to 10 scale to indicate how much trust you have for each of the following, where 0 means no trust and 10 means a great deal of trust.)  The police. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

tr_pol111b | Trust in Police

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0–10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  The police. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

tr_pol111c | Trust in Police

I will now read out the names of different institutions such as the police, government, civil service, etc.  Please tell me how strongly you personally trust each of these institutions.  The police. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = very strong trust

Trust in Police Officers

tr_pol204o | Trust in Police Officers

How much do you trust the following people?  Police officers. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

Trust in State Police

tr_pol304d | Confidence in Police in State

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The police in your state territory (Alternative: The police in my State or Territory). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_pol305d | Confidence in Police in State

How much confidence do you have in the police in your state or territory? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

Trust in Political Parties

tr_pp102a | Trust in Political Parties

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Political parties. 0 = tend to not trust 1 = tend to trust

tr_pp104af | Trust in Political Parties

How much do you trust certain institutions?  Political parties. 0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_pp104d | Confidence in Political Parties

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Political parties. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_pp104e | Trust in Political Parties

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Political parties. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_pp104f | Trust in Political Parties

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: Political parties. 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_pp104g | Trust in Political Parties

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  Political parties. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_pp104h | Confidence in Political Parties

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  Political parties. 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

tr_pp104k | Confidence in Political Parties

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Political parties. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_pp104m | Confidence in Political Parties

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others.  to what degree do you feel you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Political parties. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_pp104p | Trust in Parties

Now I shall read a list of institutions.  Please tell me how much you trust each of them.  Parties. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = somewhat, 3 = very much

tr_pp104r | Trust in Political Parties

To what extent do you have trust in the following bodies or persons:  Political parties. 0 = not at all, 1 = little trust, 2 = certain trust, 3 = strong trust

tr_pp104t | Trust in Political Parties

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Political parties. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_pp104u | Trust in Political Parties

I am now going to read you a list of people and organizations.  How much do you trust each of them to do what is right?  Political parties. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_pp104w | Trust in Political Parties

I would like to ask you, how much trust you personally trust or distrust the following institutions in [your Country].  Political parties. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = rather trust, 3 = completely trust

tr_pp104wb | Trust in Political Parties

To what extent do you personally trust?  Political parties. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_pp104z | Trust in Political Parties

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Political parties. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_pp105c | Trust in Political Parties

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Political parties. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_pp105h | Trust in Political Parties

Do you agree that institutions or groups which I will mention are trustworthy?  Political parties. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neutral, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

tr_pp105k | Trust in Political Parties

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  Political parties. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_pp105p | Trust in Political Parties

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Political parties. 0 = very untrustworthy, 1 = untrustworthy, 2 = neutral, 3 = trustworthy, 4 = very trustworthy

tr_pp105q | Trust in Political Parties

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  The Political Parties. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_pp105ua | Trust in Political Parties

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Political Parties. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_pp106e | Trust in Political Parties

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Political parties. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_pp107a | Trust in Political Parties

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Political parties (Alternative: Parties). 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_pp107b | Trust in Political Parties

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust the political parties? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

tr_pp107c | Trust in Parties

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Parties. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_pp107d | Trust in Political Parties

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  Political parties. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_pp110a | Trust in Political Parties

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  The political parties. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

tr_pp111a | Confidence in Political Parties

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  Political parties. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

tr_pp111b | Trust in Political Parties

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0–10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  Political parties. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

tr_pp111c | Trust in Political Parties

I will now read out the names of different institutions such as the police, government, civil service, etc.  Please tell me how strongly you personally trust each of these institutions.  The political parties. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = very strong trust

Trust in Politicians

tr_pp203a | Confidence in Government

Up to what point, in your opinion, can one have confidence that those who govern us act as they ought? 0 = almost never, 1 = sometimes, 2 = most of the time, 3 = almost always

tr_pp204a | Trust in Politicians

How much do You trust politicians of any party in [Country] to tell the truth when they are in a tight corner? 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_pp204ac | Trust in Politicians

How much would you say you trust politicians generally? 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = a fair amount, 3 = a great deal

tr_pp204d | Confidence in Main Political Leaders

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The main political leaders in [Country]. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_pp205k | Trust in Politicians

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  Politicians. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_pp211a | Confidence in Politicians

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a very great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  (Alternative: Now, thinking about [National] political institutions like Parliament, please use the 0 to 10 scale to indicate how much trust you have for each of the following, where 0 means no trust and 10 means a great deal of trust.)  [National] politicians generally. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

tr_pp211b | Trust in Politicians

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0–10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  Politicians. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

tr_pp211c | Trust in Politicians

I will now read out the names of different institutions such as the police, government, civil service, etc.  Please tell me how strongly you personally trust each of these institutions.  Politicians. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = very strong trust

Trust in Opposition Parties

tr_pp303b | Trust in Opposition Party

Do you trust the opposition party? 0 = no, 1 = somewhat, 2 = yes

tr_pp304b | Trust in Opposition Parties

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Opposition parties. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_pp304m | Trust in Oppositional Party

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others.  To what degree do you feel you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Oppositional party. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

Trust in Governing Parties

tr_pp403b | Trust in Ruling Party

Do you trust the ruling party? 0 = no, 1 = somewhat, 2 = yes

tr_pp404b | Trust in Ruling Party

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Ruling party/ parties. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_pp404m | Trust in Governing Party

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. To what degree do you feel you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Leading/ governing party. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_pp404u | Trust in Ruling Party

I am now going to read you a list of people and organizations.  How much do you trust each of them to do what is right?  [Name of ruling party]. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

Trust in Political System

tr_ps104d | Confidence in Political System

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The [National] political system. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in Media

tr_me102a | Trust in Press

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain media and institutions.  For each of the following media and institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The press (Alternative: The written press). 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_me103c | Confidence in Press

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  The press. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_me104ad| Trust in News Media

How much do you trust the news media to do what is right for [Survey Public] – a lot, some, not too much, or not at all? 0 = not at all, 1 = not too much, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_me104ah | Trust in News Media

Generally speaking, how much do you trust the news media to operate in the best interest of the [Nationality] people – a great deal, a fair amount, not too much, or not at all?  0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_me104b | Trust in Media

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  The media. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_me104d | Confidence in Press

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The press. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me104e | Trust in Media

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Media. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me104g | Trust in Media

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The media. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_me104i | Trust in Media

How much of the time do you think you can trust the media to report the news fairly?  Just about always, most of the time, only some of the time, or almost never? 0 = almost never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_me104k | Confidence in Press

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  The press (Alternative: Communication media). 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_me104l | Trust in News Media

I am going to name some institutions in our country.  Please tell me how much, if at all, you trust each one.  The news media – do you trust it a lot, somewhat, not too much, or not at all? 0 = not at all, 1 = not too much, 2 = somewhat, 3 = a lot

tr_me104m | Trust in Mass Media

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. to what degree do you think you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Mass media. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_me104q | Trust in Media

I will name a list of institutions.  For each, please indicate whether you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it.  Media. 0 = distrust it greatly, 1 = tend to distrust it, 2 = tend to trust it, 3 = trust it a great deal

tr_me104r | Trust in Media

To what extent do you have trust in the following bodies or persons: The media. 0 = not at all, 1 = little trust, 2 = certain trust, 3 = strong trust

tr_me104w | Trust in Media

I would like to ask you, how much trust you personally trust or distrust the following institutions in [your Country].  Standard mainstream media. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = rather trust, 3 = completely trust

tr_me104wb | Trust in Mass Media

To what extent do you personally trust?  Mass media. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_me104y | Trust in News Media

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  News media. 0 = very little, 1 = some, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me104z | Trust in Media

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Media such as newspapers, radio, TV. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_me105a | Trust in Media

How much of the time do you think you can trust the media to report the news fairly? 0 = none of the time, 1 = almost never, 2 = only some of the time, 3 = most of the time, 4 = just about always

tr_me105b | Trust and Confidence in News Media

In general, how much trust and confidence do you have in the news media when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly? 0 = none, 1 = a little, 2 = a moderate amount, 3 = a lot, 4 = a great deal

tr_me105c | Trust in Media

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Media. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_me105g | Trust in National Media

For each of the following statements, please tell me to what extent it corresponds or not to the situation of the [Nationality] media: [Nationality] media provide trustworthy information. 0 = no not at all, 1 = no not really, 2 = it depends (spontaneous), 3 = yes to some extent, 4 = yes definitely

tr_me105hg | Trust in Government Media

Do you agree that institutions or groups which I will mention are trustworthy?  Government media (like state television and state-run newspapers). 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neutral, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

tr_me105hi | Trust in Non-Government Media

Do you agree that institutions or groups which I will mention are trustworthy?  Non-government media (like satellite channels and private newspapers). 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neutral, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

tr_me105n | Confidence in Media

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  The media. 0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

tr_me105p | Trust in Mass Media

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Mass media. 0 = very untrustworthy, 1 = untrustworthy, 2 = neutral, 3 = trustworthy, 4 = very trustworthy

tr_me105ua | Trust in Media

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Media. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_me107a | Trust in Media

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Media (Alternative: Communication media). 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_me107b | Trust in Mass Media

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust the mass media? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

tr_me107bb | Trust in Independent Mass Media

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust independent mass media? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

tr_me107c | Trust in Mass Media

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Mass media. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_me110a | Trust in News Media

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  The news media (Alternative: The press). 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

Trust in Journalists

tr_me204o | Trust in Journalists

How much do you trust the following people?  Journalists. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

tr_me204a | Trust in Journalists for Newspapers

How much do you trust {National] journalists on national newspapers to pursue the truth above getting a good story? 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

Trust in Newspapers

tr_me302a | Trust in the Press

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The press. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_me303d | Confidence in Newspapers

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Newspapers. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_me304a | Trust in Press or Newspapers

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  Press or newspapers. 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_me304ab | Trust in Newspaper Media

In general, how strongly do you trust or distrust our country’s newspaper media? Would you say you…. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust somewhat, 2 = trust somewhat, 3 = strongly trust

tr_me304ag | Trust in Government Press or Newspapers

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  Government press or newspapers. 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_me304ai | Trust in Independent Press or Newspapers

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  Independent press or newspapers. 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_me304b | Trust in Newspapers

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Newspapers. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_me304bg | Trust in Government Newspapers

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Government newspapers. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_me304bi | Trust in Independent Newspapers

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Independent newspapers. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_me304d | Confidence in Newspapers

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Newspapers. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me304e | Trust in Newspaper

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Newspapers. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me304i | Trust in Printed Newspapers

How much do you trust or not the news and information you access through printed newspapers and news magazines? 0 = do not trust at all, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_me304k | Confidence in Newspapers

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Newspapers. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_me304m | Trust in Newspaper

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. to what degree do you think you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Newspaper. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_me304n | Trust in Printed Press

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The printed press. 0 = tend to not trust, 3 = tend to trust

tr_me305j | Trust in Newspapers

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  Newspapers in general. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_me305jr | Trust in Newspaper Read Most

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  The newspaper you read most often. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_me305k | Trust in Newspaper

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  Newspaper. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_me305r | Trust in Newspaper

On a scale of 0 to 4, where 0 means never trust and 4 means always trust, how much do you trust political information from?  Newspaper. 0 = never trust, 4 = always trust

tr_me306a | Trust in Newspaper

How much trust do you have in each of the following types of media?  Newspaper. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_me307a | Trust in Newspapers

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Newspapers. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_me310a | Trust in Newspapers

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Newspapers. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

Trust in Radio

tr_me402a | Trust in Radio

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Radio. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_me404ab | Trust in Radio Media

In general, how strongly do you trust or distrust our country’s radio media? Would you say you…. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust somewhat, 2 = trust somewhat, 3 = strongly trust

tr_me404bp | Trust in Private Radio Stations

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Private radio stations. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_me404i | Trust in Radio

How much do you trust or not the news and information you access through radio? 0 = do not trust at all, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_me404k | Confidence in Radios

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Radios. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_me404m | Trust in Radio

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. to what degree do you think you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Radio. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_me404n | Trust in Radio

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Radio. 0 = tend to not trust, 3 = tend to trust

tr_me405j | Trust in Radio

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  Radio. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

Trust in Television

tr_me502a | Trust in Television

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Television. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_me503c | Confidence in Television

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  TV. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = some confidence, 2 = a great deal of confidence

tr_me503d | Confidence in Television

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Television. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_me504ab | Trust in Television Media

In general, how strongly do you trust or distrust our country’s television media? Would you say you…. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust somewhat, 2 = trust somewhat, 3 = strongly trust

tr_me504aj | Faith in Television

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in television? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_me504bg | Trust in Government Television

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  [Name of National Television Broadcaster]. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_me504d | Confidence in Television

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Television/ TV News. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me504e | Trust in Television

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Television. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me504h | Confidence in Television News

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  TV news. 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

tr_me504k | Confidence in Television

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Television. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_me504m | Trust in Television

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. to what degree do you think you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  TV. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_me504n | Trust in Television

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Television. 0 = tend to not trust, 3 = tend to trust

tr_me504t | Trust in Television

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Television. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_me504x | Trust in Television

How much do you trust or not the news and information you access through television? 0 = do not trust at all, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_me505j | Trust in Television

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  Television. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_me505n | Confidence in the Television

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  Television. 0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

tr_me505r | Trust in Television News

On a scale from 0 to 4, where 0 means never trust and 4 means always trust, how much do you trust political information from?  TV News. 0 = never trust, 4 = always trust

tr_me506a | Trust in Television

How much trust do you have in each of the following types of media?  Television. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_me507a | Trust in Television

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Television. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_me507dg | Trust in State Television

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  State TV. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_me507di | Trust in Non-State Television

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  Non-state TV. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_me510a | Trust in Television and Radio

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Television and radio. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

Trust in National Broadcasting Service

tr_me604a | Trust in National Broadcasting Service

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  [National Broadcasting Service]. 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

tr_me604bg | Trust in Government Broadcasting Service

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Government broadcasting service. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_me604bi | Trust in Independent Broadcasting Services

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Independent broadcasting services. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_me604d | Confidence in National Broadcaster

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The national broadcaster. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me604eg | Trust in National Government Broadcaster

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  [National Government Broadcaster]. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me604ei | Trust in National Independent Broadcaster

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  [National Independent Broadcaster]. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me604t | Trust in National Broadcaster

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  [National Broadcasting Corporation]. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_me605d | Confidence in National Broadcaster

How much confidence do you have in the national broadcaster? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal, 4 = complete confidence

tr_me605kg | Trust in Public Broadcaster

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  [National Public Broadcaster]. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_me611a | Confidence in Public Broadcaster

On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 means no confidence and 10 means a very great deal of confidence, what do you think of the following?  (Alternative: Now, thinking about [National] political institutions like Parliament, please use the 0 to 10 scale to indicate how much trust you have for each of the following, where 0 means no trust and 10 means a great deal of trust.)  [National Public Broadcaster]. 0 = no confidence, 10 = a very great deal

Trust in Internet

tr_me702a | Trust in Internet

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Internet. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_me704i | Trust in Online Newspapers and Magazines

How much do you trust or not the news and information you access through online newspapers and news magazines? 0 = do not trust at all, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_me704n | Trust in Internet

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Internet. 0 = tend to not trust, 3 = tend to trust

tr_me705r | Trust in Internet

On a scale of 0 to 4, where 0 means never trust and 4 means always trust, how much do you trust political information from?  Internet. 0 = never trust, 4 = always trust

tr_me704z | Trust in Electronic Media

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions, and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Electronic media such as radio, TV. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_me706a | Trust in Online News

How much trust do you have in each of the following types of media?  News on the Internet. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

Trust in Social Media

tr_me802a | Trust in Online Social Networks

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Online social networks. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_me804d | Confidence in Social Media

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions). Social media. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_me804i | Trust in Online Social Networks

How much do you trust or not the news and information you access through online social networks? 0 = do not trust at all, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

Trust in Military

tr_mil102a | Trust in Army

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The army. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_mil103c | Confidence in People Running Military

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  Military. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_mil103d | Confidence in Defence Forces

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  The self-defence forces. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_mil104a | Trust in Army

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  The army. 0 = (almost) never, 1 = only some of the time, 2 = most of the time, 3 = just about always

 tr_mil104ad| Trust in Military

How much do you trust the military to do what is right for [Survey Public] – a lot, some, not too much, or not at all? 0 = not at all, 1 = not too much, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_mil104aj | Faith in Army

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in the army? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_mil104b | Trust in Army

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  The army. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_mil104d | Confidence in Armed Forces

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The armed forces (Alternative: The military; The defence forces). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_mil104e | Trust in Military

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The military (or armed forces) (Alternative: The army). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_mil104f | Trust in Armed Forces

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: The armed forces. 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_mil104g | Trust in Army

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The army. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_mil104k | Confidence in Armed Forces

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  The armed forces. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_parl104l | Trust in Military

I am going to name some institutions in our country.  Please tell me how much, if at all, you trust each one.  The military – do you trust it a lot, somewhat, not too much, or not at all? 0 = not at all, 1 = not too much, 2 = somewhat, 3 = a lot

tr_mil104m | Confidence in Army

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others.  To what degree do you feel you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Army. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_mil104p | Trust in Armed Forces

Now I shall read a list of institutions.  Please tell me how much you trust each of them.  Armed forces. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little 2 = somewhat 3 = very much

tr_mil104s | Confidence in Military

Now I am going to read you a list of groups and organizations.  Please tell me how much confidence you have in each group to do the right thing for [Country]: The military. 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = not too much confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a lot of confidence

tr_mil104t | Trust in Army

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  The army. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_mil104w | Trust in Armed Forces

I would like to ask you, how much trust you personally trust or distrust the following institutions in [your Country].  Armed forces. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = rather trust, 3 = completely trust

tr_mil104wb | Trust in Army

To what extent do you personally trust?  Army. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_mil104y | Trust in Military

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  Military. 0 = very little, 1 = some, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_mil104z | Trust in National Army

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?) [Nationality] National Army. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_mil105c | Trust in Army

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Army. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_mil105d | Confidence in Defence Forces

How much confidence do you have in the defence forces? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

tr_mil105j | Trust in Military

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  Military. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_mil105k | Trust in Defence Force

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present. Defence force. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_mil105n | Confidence in Military

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  Military. 0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

tr_mil105p | Trust in Military

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Military. 0 = very untrustworthy, 1 = untrustworthy, 2 = neutral, 3 = trustworthy, 4 = very trustworthy

tr_mil105q | Trust in Armed Forces

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Armed Forces. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_mil105ua | Trust in Military

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Military. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_mil106e | Trust in Military

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The military (or armed forces. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_mil107a | Trust in Army

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  The army. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_mil107b | Trust in Armed Forces

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust the armed forces? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

tr_mil107c | Trust in Army

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Army. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_mil107d | Trust in Army

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  Army. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_mil110a | Trust in Army

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Army. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

Trust in Military Officers

tr_mil204o | Trust in Military Officers

How much do you trust the following people?  Military officers. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

Trust in Military Government

tr_mil304f | Trust in Military Government

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

Trust in NATO

tr_nato102a | Trust in NATO

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  NATO. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_nato104d | Confidence in NATO

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  NATO. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in NGOs

tr_ngo102a | Trust in Non-Governmental Organisations

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs). 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_ngo104ah | Trust in Advocacy Groups

Generally speaking, how much do you trust advocacy groups such as [Example] to operate in the best interest of the [Nationality] people – a great deal, a fair amount, not too much, or not at all?  0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

tr_ngo104b | Trust in Non-Governmental Organisations

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  NGO/ CBO/ Civil society organisations. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_ngo104d | Confidence in Civil Society Groups

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Civil society groups / charitable or humanitarian organisations. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ngo104e | Trust in Non-Governmental Organisations

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Non-governmental organizations or NGOs. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ngo104e2 | Trust in Civil Society

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Civil society. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ngo104f | Trust in Civil Society Institutions

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: Civil society institutions (associations, clubs, volunteer youth groups, etc.). 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_ngo104g | Trust in Non-Governmental Organisations

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  Non-governmental organizations (e.g environmental, social advocacy groups or other non-profit organizations). 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_ngo104t | Trust in Non-Governmental Organisations

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  NGOs. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_ngo105q | Trust in Non-Governmental Organisations

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  NGOs. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_ngo105ua | Trust in Non-Governmental Organisations

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Non-governmental organisations. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_ngo106e | Trust in Non-Governmental Organisations

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Non-governmental organizations or NGOs. 0 = distrust fully, 1 = distrust a lot, 2 = distrust somewhat, 3 = trust somewhat, 4 = trust a lot, 5 = trust fully

tr_ngo110a | Trust in Non-Governmental Organisations

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Non-governmental organisations. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

Trust in NGO Leaders

tr_ngo204o | Trust in NGO Leaders

How much do you trust the following people?  NGO/ NPO leaders. 0 = not at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = to some extent, 3 = a great deal

Trust in National NGOs

tr_ngo304z | Trust in National NGOs

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  National NGOs. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

Trust in International NGOs

tr_ngo504z | Trust in International NGOs

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  International NGOs. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

Trust in Religious Institutions

tr_ri102a | Trust in Religious Institutions

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The churches (Alternative: the church; religious institutions). 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_ri103c | Confidence in Organised Religion

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  Organised religion. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_ri103d | Confidence in Religious Organizations

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Religious organizations. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_ri104aj | Faith in Churches

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in churches? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_ri104b | Trust in Religious Institutions

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Religious institutions. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_ri104bg | Trust in Religious Groups

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Religious groups. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_ri104d | Confidence in Organised Religion

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The church (Alternative: Organized religion; The churches; The church in your state or territory (i.e., mosque, temple). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ri104g | Trust in Religious Organisations

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  Religious organisations. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_ri104k | Confidence in the Church

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  The church. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_ri104m | Trust in Church and Clergy

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. to what degree do you think you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Church and clergy. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_ri104t | Trust in Churches

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Churches. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_ri104u | Trust in Churches

I am now going to read you a list of people and organizations.  How much do you trust each of them to do what is right?  [Name of Christian ecumenical organization]. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_ri104wb | Trust in Churches and Priests

To what extent do you personally trust?  Churches and priests. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_ri104y | Trust in Church

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  Church. 0 = very little, 1 = some, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ri105c | Trust in Belonging Religious Institutions

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Religious institutions to which you belong. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_ri105d | Confidence in Churches and Religious Organisations

How much confidence do you have in the churches and religious organisations? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal, 4 = complete confidence

tr_ri105f | Confidence in Churches and Religious Organisations

How much confidence do you have in churches and religious organizations? 0 = no confidence at all, 1 = very little confidence, 2 = some confidence, 3 = a great deal of confidence, 4 = complete confidence

tr_ri105j | Trust in Churches

Now I’d like to ask how much you feel you can trust some people and other things.  Please could you choose the answer that best represents your opinion.  Churches. 0 = completely distrust, 1 = mostly distrust, 2 = neither, 3 = mostly trust, 4 = completely trust

tr_ri105k | Trust in Church

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present. The church. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_ri105p | Trust in Religious Organisations

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Religious organisations. 0 = very untrustworthy, 1 = untrustworthy, 2 = neutral, 3 = trustworthy, 4 = very trustworthy

tr_ri105q | Trust in Religious Institutions

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Religious institutions. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_ri105ua | Trust in Church

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Church. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_ri107a | Trust in Church

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  The Church (Alternative: Churches; [Name of dominant church/ religious organisation]. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_ri107c | Trust in Church

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Church (Alternative: Religious organisations). 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_ri107d | Trust in Church

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  Church. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_ri110a | Trust in Church

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Church. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

tr_ri111b | Trust in Church

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0–10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  The Church. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

Trust in Religious Leaders

tr_ri204b | Trust in Religious Leaders

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Religious leaders. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_ri204d | Confidence in Religious Leaders

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Religious leaders. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ri204e | Trust in Religious Leaders

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Religious leaders. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ri204f | Trust in Religious Leaders

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: The religious leaders. 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_ri204z | Trust in Religious Leaders

I would like to ask you about some officials, institutions and organizations in our country.  I will read these out to you.  As I read out each, please tell me how much confidence you have in each of the institutions and organizations and officials to perform their jobs.  Do you have a great deal of trust, a fair amount of trust, not very much trust, or no trust at all in… (Alternative: Do you have a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not very much confidence, or no confidence at all in…?)  Religious leaders. 0 = no trust at all, 1 = not very much trust, 2 = a fair amount of trust, 3 = a great deal of trust

tr_ri205h | Religious Leaders Trustworthy

Do you agree that institutions or groups which I will mention are trustworthy?  Religious leaders. 0 = strongly disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = neutral, 3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

Trust in Islamic Institutions

tr_ri304e | Trust in Major Islamist Movement

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  Muslim Brotherhood/ Ennadha/ Major Islamist Movement. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ri304fb | Trust in Muslim Brotherhood

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: The Muslim Brotherhood. 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_ri304t | Trust in Mosques

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Mosques. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_ri307b | Trust in Islamic Religious Institutions

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust Islamic religious institutions? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

Trust in Catholic Institutions

tr_ri403c | Confidence in Roman Catholic Church

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  As far as the people running these institutions are concerned, would you say you have a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, or hardly any confidence at all in them?  Roman Catholic Church. 0 = hardly any confidence, 1 = only some confidence, 2 = great deal of confidence

tr_ri404p | Trust in Catholic Church

Now I shall read a list of institutions.  Please tell me how much you trust each of them.  Catholic Church. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little, 2 = somewhat, 3 = very much

tr_ri405n | Confidence in Roman Catholic Church

I am going to name some institutions in this country.  Using the answers from the card, would you say you have definitely a great deal of confidence, only some confidence, neither confidence nor lack thereof, not much confidence, or definitely no confidence?  Roman Catholic Church. 0 = definitely no confidence, 1 = not much confidence, 2 = neither confidence nor lack thereof, 3 = only some confidence, 4 = definitely a great deal of confidence

tr_ri407b | Trust in Catholic Church

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust the Catholic Church? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

Trust in Protestant Institutions

tr_ri504d | Confidence in Evangelical Church

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Evangelical Church. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ri507a | Trust in the Evangelicals

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Christian Evangelicals. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_ri507b | Trust in Protestant Church

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust the Protestant Church? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

Trust in Hindu Institutions

tr_ri607b | Trust in Hindu Religious Institutions

Please answer the following questions using a number on a scale ranging from 1 to 7, where 1 means not at all and 7 means a lot.  If your opinion is between not at all and a lot, you would choose an intermediate score.  To what extent do you trust Hindu religious institutions? 0 = not at all, 6 = a lot

Trust in Other Religious Institutions

tr_ri907x | Trust Christian Fundamentalists

I’d like to get your feelings toward some of our political leaders and other people who are in the news these days.  I’ll read the name of a person and I’d like you to rate that person using something we call the feeling thermometer.  Ratings between 50 degrees and 100 degrees mean that you feel favourable and warm toward the person.  Ratings between 0 and 50 degrees mean that you don’t feel favourable toward the person and that you don’t care too much for that person.  You would rate the person at the 50-degree mark if you don’t feel particularly warm or cold toward the person.  If we come to a person whose name you don’t recognize, you don’t need to rate that person.  Just tell me and we’ll move on to the next one.  And still using the feeling thermometer, how would you rate the following groups?  Christian Fundamentalists. 0 = untrustworthy, 6 = trustworthy

Trust in SAARC

tr_saarc104d | Confidence in SAARC

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in Scientists

tr_sci204ad| Trust in Scientists

How much do you trust scientists to do what is right for [Survey Public] – a lot, some, not too much, or not at all? 0 = not at all, 1 = not too much, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_sci205c | Trust in Scientists and Technologists

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Scientists and technologists. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_sci211b | Trust in Scientists

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0–10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  Scientists. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

Trust in Southern Common Market

tr_scm104d | Confidence in MERCOSUR

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The MERCOSUR. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in State Security

tr_ss104aj | Faith in Federal Security Service

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in the SNB (formerly KGB)? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_ss104e | Trust in Directorate of General Security

I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them.  The Directorate of General Security. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ss104t | Trust in State Security

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  State security. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_ss104y | Trust in Federal Bureau of Investigation

What about the following institutions?  How much of the time can you trust them to do what is right?  FBI. 0 = very little, 1 = some, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ss107a | Trust in State Security

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Federal Security Service. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

Trust in Supreme Audit Institution

tr_saa104af | Trust in Supreme Audit Institution

How much do you trust certain institutions?  Supreme audit institution. 0 = totally distrust, 1 = tend not to trust, 2 = tend to trust, 3 = totally trust

Trust in Tax Authorities

tr_tax104b | Trust in Tax Department

How much do you trust each of the following, or haven’t you heard enough about them to say?  (Alternative: How much do you trust each of the following?  Not at all, just a little bit, somewhat, a lot).  Tax department/ [Name of National Tax/ Revenue Service]. 0 = not at all, 1 = a little bit, 2 = a lot, 3 = a very great deal

tr_tax105k | Trust in Revenue Service

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  [National] revenue service. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

Trust in Trade Unions

tr_tu102a | Trust in Trade Unions

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  Trade unions. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_tu103d | Confidence in Labour Unions

How much confidence do you have in the following?  (Alternative: For questions A through O, how well do you trust them?)  Labour unions. 0 = not very much, 1 = some, 2 = very much

tr_tu104aj | Faith in Trade Unions

Recently, many have talked about their faith or lack of faith in various organs of power, social organizations, mass media. Please look at the card and tell us, do you have complete faith or no faith at all in trade unions? 0 = no faith at all, 1 = not much faith, 2 = I have faith, 3 = complete faith

tr_tu104d | Confidence in Trade Unions

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  Trade unions/ The unions/ Labour unions. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_tu104f | Trust in Trade Unions

I will name a number of institutions, and I would like you to tell me to what extent you trust each of them: Trade Unions and Professional Unions. 0 = absolutely do not trust it, 1 = I trust it to a limited extent, 2 = I trust it to a medium extent, 3 = I trust it to a great extent

tr_tu104g | Trust in Trade Unions

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  Trade unions/ labour unions. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_tu104h | Confidence in Trade Unions

I’m going to read out a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country].  (Alternative: I would now like to read you a list of [National] institutions and organisations.  For each one, please tell me how much confidence or trust you have in them in [Country]).  Trade unions. 0 = no trust, 1 = a little trust, 2 = some trust, 3 = a lot of trust

tr_tu104k | Confidence in Trade Unions

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  Trade unions. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_tu104m | Trust in Trade Unions

In order to get ahead, people need to have confidence and to feel that they can trust themselves and others. to what degree do you think you trust the following totally, to a certain point, a little or not at all?  Trade Unions. 0 = not at all, 1 = little, 2 = to a certain point, 3 = totally

tr_tu104wb | Trust in Trade Unions

To what extent do you personally trust?  Trade Unions. 0 = great distrust, 1 = rather distrust, 2 = quite trust, 3 = great trust

tr_tu105c | Trust in Trade Unions

I will read out a list of social institutions and political unions.  Please, assess your trust toward each of them on a 5-point scale, where 0 means fully distrust, and 4 means fully trust.  Trade inions. 0 = fully distrust, 1 = somewhat distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = somewhat trust, 4 = fully trust

tr_tu105d | Confidence in Unions

How much confidence do you have in the unions? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal, 4 = complete confidence

tr_tu105k | Trust in Trade Unions

Indicate the extent to which you trust or distrust the following institutions in [Country] at present.  Trade unions. 0 = strongly distrust, 1 = distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = trust, 4 = strongly trust

tr_tu105q | Trust in Trade Unions

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Trade unions. 0 = complete distrust, 1 = some distrust, 2 = neither trust nor distrust, 3 = some trust, 4 = complete trust

tr_tu105ua | Trust in Trade Unions

To what extent do you trust the following institutions?  Trade unions. 0 = low level of trust, 4 = high level of trust

tr_tu107a | Trust in Trade Unions

To what extent do you trust each of the following institutions to look after your interests?  Please indicate on a scale with 0 indicating no trust at all and 6 for great trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust each of these political institutions to look after your interests?  To what extent do you trust the following groups in society to look after your interests?)  Trade Unions. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_tu107c | Trust in Trade Unions

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Trade unions. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_tu107cn | Trust in New Trade Unions

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  New trade unions. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_tu107co | Trust in Old Trade Unions

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Old trade unions. 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

tr_tu107d | Trust in Trade Unions

To what extent do you trust each of the following organisations that I am going to list?  In your evaluation, please use a 7-point scale in which 0 means no trust at all and 6 means complete trust (recoded).  Trade unions. 0 = no trust, 6 = complete trust

tr_tu110a | Trust in Trade Unions

Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 0 to 9, where 0 means you do not trust the institution at all and 9 means you trust it completely.  Trade/labour unions. 0 = do not trust at all, 9 = trust completely

Trust in Farmer Organisations

tr_tu204t | Trust in Trade Unions or Farmers’ Organizations

How much do you trust the following institutions?  (Alternative: How much do you trust the following social institutions?  How much do you trust the following non-governmental institutions?  How much do you trust the following?)  Trust trade unions/ farmers’ organizations. 0 = I do not trust them at all, 1 = I distrust them somewhat, 2 = I trust them somewhat, 3 = I trust them a lot

tr_tu207c | Trust in Farmers Organisations

There are various public institutions in [Country] such as legislative and executive bodies, courts, and police.  Please indicate your trust in them on this scale, where 0 denotes minimum distrust and 6 indicates maximum trust (recoded).  (Alternative: To what extent do you trust different institutions in our society?  Please show me on this 7-point scale, where 0 represents no trust and 6 great trust (recoded)).  Farmers’ organisations (Alternative: Collective farms). 0 = no trust, 6 = great trust

Trust in United Nations

tr_un102a | Trust in United Nations

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions.  For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it?  The United Nations. 0 = tend to not trust, 1 = tend to trust

tr_un104d | Confidence in United Nations

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The United Nations. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_un104g | Trust in United Nations

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The United Nations. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_un104k | Confidence in United Nations

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  United Nations. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

tr_un111b | Trust in United Nations

Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0–10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out.  0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust.  United Nations. 0 = no trust at all, 10 = complete trust

tr_un111c | Trust in United Nations

I will now read out the names of different institutions such as the police, government, civil service, etc.  Please tell me how strongly you personally trust each of these institutions.  The United Nations (UN). 0 = no trust at all, 10 = very strong trust

Trust in United Nations Development Program

tr_undp104d | Confidence in United Nations Development Program

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  United Nations Development Program. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_undp104k | Confidence in United Nations Development Program

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  United Nations Development Program. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

Trust in Welfare System

tr_ws104d | Confidence in Welfare System

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  [Country’s] social welfare/security system. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_ws105d | Confidence in Welfare System

How much confidence do you have in [Country’s] social welfare system? 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much confidence, 2 = quite a lot of confidence, 3 = a great deal, 4 = complete confidence

Trust in World Bank

tr_wb104g | Trust in World Bank

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The World Bank. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot

tr_wb104d | Confidence in World Bank

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  World Bank. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_wb104k | Confidence in World Bank

Please look at this card and tell me how much confidence you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons mentioned on the list.  (Alternative: Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups/ institutions; How much would you say that you trust the following people or groups?  World Bank. 0 = no confidence, 1 = a little, 2 = some, 3 = a lot

Trust in World Health Organisation

tr_who104d | Confidence in World Health Organisation

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The World Health Organisation. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

Trust in World Trade Organisation

tr_wto104d | Confidence in World Trade Organisation

How much confidence do you have in the following organisations?  (Alternative: I am going to name a number of organizations.  For each one, could you tell me how much confidence you have in them; Please look at this card and tell me, for each item listed, how much confidence you have in them; Please indicate how much confidence you have in the following institutions).  The World Trade Organisation. 0 = none at all, 1 = not very much, 2 = quite a lot, 3 = a great deal

tr_wto104g | Trust in World Trade Organisation

Please indicate to what extent you trust the following institutions to operate in the best interests of society.  If you don’t know what to reply or have no particular opinion, please say so.  The World Trade Organisation. 0 = don’t trust at all, 1 = don’t really trust, 2 = trust to a degree, 3 = trust a lot