We clean, merge, and harmonize selected variables from all rounds, waves, or modules from the surveys listed below. This list is expanded as we find more surveys to broaden the scope of our coverage and fill gaps in our understanding of individual countries. A list of future surveys to be included is provided further below. Please contact us if there are other sources we should consider for inclusion.
- Afrobarometer
- American National Election Studies
- AmericasBarometer (LAPOP)
- ANU Poll
- Arab Barometer
- Arab Transformations Project
- Asia Europe Survey
- Asia Barometer (offline)
- Asian Barometer Survey
- Australian Election Study
- Australian National Political Attitudes Surveys
- Australian Social Cohesion Survey
- Australian Survey of Social Attitudes
- Australian Voter Experience
- British Election Study
- British Social Attitudes
- Canadian Election Study
- Candidate Countries Eurobarometer
- Caucasus Barometer
- Central and Eastern Eurobarometer
- Comparative National Elections Project
- Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
- Consolidation of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe (offline)
- East Asian Social Survey
- EU Neighbourhood Barometer
- European Election Study – Voter Study
- European Quality of Life Surveys
- European Social Survey
- European Values Study
- Flash Eurobarometer
- Global Attitudes and Trends
- Icelandic National Election Study
- Indian National Election Study
- Integrated and United, Wave 1, Wave 2
- International Social Justice Project
- International Social Survey Programme
- Irish National Election Study
- Israel National Election Studies
- Japanese General Social Survey
- Kenya Democratization Survey Project
- Korean General Social Survey
- Latinobarómetro
- Life in Transition Survey
- Lowy Institute Poll
- New Baltic Barometer
- New Europe Barometer
- New Russia Barometer
- New Zealand Election Study
- Polish General Social Survey
- Politbarometer
- Political Action: An Eight Nation Study
- Political Action II
- South African Social Attitudes Survey
- Standard and Special Eurobarometer
- Survey of the Afghan People
- United States General Social Survey
- Values and Political Change in Post-Communist Europe, 1993-1994
- Voice of the People
- World Health Survey
- World Values Survey
Future Surveys
Having formatted most major cross-national survey sources, we are now focused on including national survey series – that is, national survey programs running multiple waves or rounds within one country. Many of these national surveys are expected to meet the inclusion criteria of being nationally representative of adult populations and making datasets available free of charge. The following is a partial list of other potential surveys to include. Please contact us if you know of a survey that should be listed here.
- Austrian National Election Study
- Center for Research on Social Reality
- Dutch Parliamentary Electoral Studies
- Elections to the Congreso de los Diputados
- European Working Conditions Surveys
- General Social Survey of the European USSR
- General Social Survey of the Russian
- Federation and Central Asia
- German General Social Survey
- Hellenic National Election Studies
- Institutions of Democracy
- Italian Mass Election Survey
- Italian National Election Studies
- Japanese National Election Studies
- National Annenberg Election Survey
- Norwegian Election Surveys
- Polish Panel Survey
- Political Participation and Equality in Seven Nations
- Portuguese Electoral Study
- Quality of Canadian Life
- Russian Election Study
- Social Weather Stations Survey
- Swedish National Election Studies
- Swiss Electoral Studies
- Views of the Electorate Research Survey